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"Incels and Nice Guys"

As of recent events, I am sure you all have heard about the beheading of that young woman...if not here is the brief article linked below https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1150628706878029824.html Basically, a young woman from UTICA was stalked and beheaded by this stalker who claimed to be her bf but actually wasn't. He harassed her on discord and various other platforms. Even went as far as snapchating pictures of her corpse in his vehicle and sharing them. After he was arrested and this is now known to everyone, on all social media this has been popping up, and women everyone are coming together saying "Fuck incels and nice guys". This is where I come in and many other guys...yes that guy was a piece of shit, but labeling and categorizing all nice guys with him as potential rapists is kinda F-ed up in my opinion. Even in a tweet IAMWILDCAT's girlfriend states, "Fuck incels and nice guys. No woman has to put up with that kind of abuse.", and others have followed suit saying similar things about how disgusting it is that a guy acts nice towards a woman just to get something from her. Not all men are like that in my opinion. Let me know what you think everyone here on MO. This is a sickening world we live in where psychos kill.
Honestly incels can stay in that category tbh. Like my friend said, "If you don't go out into the world and trust people; you are not living". This makes it harder on actual nice guys who are genuine about their personality.
Oof By that I mean mental and emotional culture war. Nuff said
so first things first obviously the nice guys phrase doesn't mean that literally nice male humans are all incels nice guys is the new phrase for guys who act nice for things in return it doesnt mean anyone in the world thinks every nice male is after sex
Just go on r/niceguys or r/nicegirls or watch a YouTube video or chat with your local Mgtow or whatever. EZ PZ lemon squeezer
Incel is not something you choose to be. All the incels on Incel forums are actually volcel because everyone can have a partner if you drop out Standarts. I thought of myself as an Incel for a while until I realised I am doing it voluntary because I am waiting for the one.
Just rid them out of the gene pool YEET
Jul 16, 19 at 3:33am
Some guys who firmly believe they are nicest men meanwhile behave like creeps after getting rejected by women make the phrase "Nice guys" somewhat derogotory now~Obviously some people have severe self-esteem issues, so they cannot handle rejections~
Huh never thought of that PM. The term has definitely evolved into two different entities now. Enki has good points too about the salty men who stalk women after getting rejected by them; not taking no for an answer. I agree with Datboi as well.
Jul 16, 19 at 3:35am
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