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Mod Auditions

@namless warrior i think thats why he appointed mods, jiko and dagger were the first mods i think? Then came lamby. But they appeared around the same time when the site was sorta dealing with a huge troll crisis. I imagine banning people and maintaining a site and all of that is too much for one dude so appointing mods and giving them freedom to do stuff give him more wiggle room
Also ita a pretty thankless job, he went through the trouble of updating the site like people asked and alot of them just said the layout was bad. I for one thought it was pretty cool, buggy at first but cool.
Jul 09, 19 at 5:34pm
You can't please everyone unfortunately but he has done a great job on his own with all this. also having even more mods to help out and give him some breathing room is a great idea especially seeing some of the candidates so far. I personally think ghost would be a great mod. Being strict with this stuff is great in my opinion
Yeah ghost seems like he can be strict and knows how to stay away from drama. I see him as sort of a neutral ground sort of person. Firm enough to stand up to stuff but also knows how to take feedback and admit when he is wrong. If he was up for mod i would pick him but sadly he doesnt want it which is understandable
Jul 09, 19 at 5:41pm
Yeah i can understand why it is quite a big responsibility after all i certainly couldn't do something like that even if i wanted to so well done to all of the mods so far xD
Jul 09, 19 at 5:58pm
@Panda Ye as a fellow developer (even though I'm not a website one), I know well how much of a pain in the ass and time consuming it is having to sit down and fix bug after bug whenever anything new is added (no matter how small of an update it is). Cuz that's programming in a nutshell....it's almost impossible to add anything without breaking everything else. Btw, just call me Luna like in the old times. I only changed the name cuz of stalkers. Been ages since then, I think it doesn't matter anymore. xD
Jul 09, 19 at 7:31pm
@nameless: Ah, you get used to that. I used to moderate for hvz games, dm for d&d games, and run and manage online rp threads on Gaia. Inspiration and love are what keep creators coming back. And sometimes duty.
Jul 09, 19 at 8:39pm
I'm seeing some deleted threads. https://i.imgur.com/OtJSeYk.jpg
CAC @cac commented on Mod Auditions
Jul 09, 19 at 9:34pm
@Gdmh39 I just seen your response to me and its probably because I'm boring, but I'm almost always here to talk. Though I'm faster to reach on discord since it gives a notification right to my phone.
Jul 11, 19 at 7:28pm
ok so has everyone been modded that needs modding? if not ill add you to the email, just need to know now
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