K-Pop, Anyone?

Komi Anime When? @marthmain69
K-Pop, Anyone?
Komi Anime When? @marthmain69
Surely there are some stans in the community? Currently obsessed with NCT 127's Superhuman.
And very much anticipating IOI's reunion, even if it's just as 9 members.

xyz @zookeeper
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K-Pop, Anyone?
xyz @zookeeper
Hi fellow kpop fan! I've been into twice and stray kids lately. But i listen to most if not all groups all mashed up into one playlist. Here are a few of my current favorite songs :^)

Komi Anime When? @marthmain69
commented on
K-Pop, Anyone?
Komi Anime When? @marthmain69
Iz*One has such good title tracks, even though the girls aren't as talented as Wanna One or IOI (let's be real here). Whoever's producing their songs is a legend though. I should get into Stray Kids because their rappers are dope, but it's weird watching them because they're all so young.

xyz @zookeeper
commented on
K-Pop, Anyone?
xyz @zookeeper
Yea! I only really ever listened to a select few I.O.I songs but my favorite so far has to be this one.
Any songs you recommend from them?

Komi Anime When? @marthmain69
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K-Pop, Anyone?
Komi Anime When? @marthmain69
Hmmm. Whatta Man and Downpour, probably?
I kinda stan IOI more for their talent/personalities as opposed to their music, funny enough. They're the type of group where most of the individual members are just so stand-out that they're just OP. It's like putting a bunch of centers together in a single group.

xyz @zookeeper
commented on
K-Pop, Anyone?
xyz @zookeeper
Thanks, going to listen and watch the videos. I should probably check them out further.

saeko @gotchicho
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K-Pop, Anyone?
saeko @gotchicho
I like Kpop.. what are your guys opinions on somi's solo debut?

saeko @gotchicho
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K-Pop, Anyone?
saeko @gotchicho
I loved twice's comeback with fancy, mina really ate this era!!

Komi Anime When? @marthmain69
commented on
K-Pop, Anyone?
Komi Anime When? @marthmain69
@saeko Somi's debut song kinda reminds me of Meghan Trainor? Just the vibe, I guess. I'm not sure how others feel, but I've also always liked her bright vocal timbre. And yes, queen Mina did THAT in Fancy. Breakthrough, too. She should wear her hair like this forever.

암브로시우스 @ambrosel
commented on
K-Pop, Anyone?
암브로시우스 @ambrosel
I was too late for this thread Q~Q
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