The New V series gone until March???

Shugo2540 @shugo2540
The New V series gone until March???
Shugo2540 @shugo2540
This is such a great series but 4 months ahhhhh! its gonna kill me.

Meems @meems
commented on
The New V series gone until March???
Meems @meems
I was really into it~! Someone told me today at school that when they do something like that it means they're canceling it- but they left that show with SO many unanswered questions, it would be really cruel to stop now! :(

Shugo2540 @shugo2540
commented on
The New V series gone until March???
Shugo2540 @shugo2540
See I read online they were stopping for the Winter Olympics. I hope they will bring it back.

Meems @meems
commented on
The New V series gone until March???
Meems @meems
Well that makes me feel a little better- but why they didn't plan ahead for that I will never know. -_-

Kaze no Kitsune @darktowerasylum
commented on
The New V series gone until March???
Kaze no Kitsune @darktowerasylum
They are genious. They spent millions advertsing the series. I mean I even heard about it on the radio and in newspaper and everything. It was in essence a 4 episode pilot. Due to the overwhelming success of the marketing they are doing entire season.
<br>What a freaking place to leave it though!!

dark_cosplays_07 @dark_cosplays_07
commented on
The New V series gone until March???
dark_cosplays_07 @dark_cosplays_07
i may not watch it but even i know thats crual and unusual punishment!!! >.< JESUs H RIGHST!! and when the guy who has not watched it says that you know that !@#$'s hit the fan... >.>

J.A.M. @joseph87mar
commented on
The New V series gone until March???
J.A.M. @joseph87mar
Bringing this one back too make it hard on everyone.
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