Minecraft server

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
Minecraft server
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
We should get a minecraft server to play together
why not
But i dont have an account
i can give you a free one (dont ask how)

Baka @reinhardt76
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Minecraft server
Baka @reinhardt76
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Baka @reinhardt76
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Minecraft server
Baka @reinhardt76
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Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
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Minecraft server
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
bump so thread dont die
also post mc id

Makoto Haruki @makotoharuki
commented on
Minecraft server
Makoto Haruki @makotoharuki
I have a minecraft server, it just a small one for some of my friends to play on, but I could expand it if people really want this

Chocopyro @chocopyro
commented on
Minecraft server
Chocopyro @chocopyro
I wouldn't mind getting back into minecraft with you lot. I never lost interest in it, I just kinda stopped playing, and fell out of the habbit of playing it.

Baka @reinhardt76
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Minecraft server
Baka @reinhardt76
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Chocopyro @chocopyro
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Minecraft server
Chocopyro @chocopyro
So are we making our home base a castle, or a rural anime high school surrounded by crappy pixel art, dirt huts, and floating trees?

Makoto Haruki @makotoharuki
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Minecraft server
Makoto Haruki @makotoharuki
how about a giant cat

αмυ ☆ @auriela
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Minecraft server
αмυ ☆ @auriela
i second the giant cat!
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