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Hello everyone! o/

Saw some of these Introduction posts so I figured I probably should as well. I'm a fairly nice person so feel free to message me. I'm super into the Puella Magi stuff and somewhat recently finished the Monogatari Series stuff and absolutely loved it. I'd love to group watch some of my favorites again and fan spaz it up.
Jun 13, 19 at 10:16pm
I already welcomed you wall, but an official introduction deserves an official welcome. So, welcome to MO. I hope you have fun here and make plenty of friends. :)
Welcome, Curious Soul.
RAWR~ https://media1.tenor.com/images/1968a5fec63b574a0c592f355c86d87b/tenor.gif
Jun 14, 19 at 6:16am
Well met \[T]/ I hope you have a good time here and make tons of friends ^-^ feel free to send me an add
Jun 14, 19 at 11:20am
Welcome to the community~Do you like other works of Shinbo Akiyuki's? Both Madoka and the Monogatari were directed by him~
I actually didn't know they had the same director, but that makes a lot of sense. I just looked up Shinbo's Wikipedia page, and I haven't seen anything else he directed. I really want to check out his other stuff now though.
His Wikipedia page lists his credits.
Jun 14, 19 at 2:42pm
Welcome~ ヽ(*・ω・)ノ
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