Has anyone else ever just felt lost? Like what am i living for?

sora360 @sora360
Has anyone else ever just felt lost? Like what am i living for?
sora360 @sora360
anyone else ever feel confused about what they should be doing? or just why ur even alive? having one of those days where i just really dont know anything.

Rien @riennoir
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Has anyone else ever just felt lost? Like what am i living for?
Rien @riennoir
I feel like that almost everyday. My life seems so boring. I want to change something but I'm so tired of existing. Sometimes I just want to sit on a desert's sand or some land where there's nothing and nobody and just disappear while looking at the stars in the sky

sora360 @sora360
commented on
Has anyone else ever just felt lost? Like what am i living for?
sora360 @sora360
well, thats a poetic way to go ill give u that lol. Sounds like the end of an anime episode

okane_o_kudasai @okane_o_kudasai
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Has anyone else ever just felt lost? Like what am i living for?
okane_o_kudasai @okane_o_kudasai
I usually have that when I am very stressed out and burdened by work and don't know where to start from and then you end up doing nothing and feeling more crap and as a precaution your body shuts down your emotions and you start to for what reason are you not enjoying the things you should be doing? Is it because you are doing them because somebody else or because you feel like its the right thing to do but actually want to do something else? Then you come on the internet looking for comfort and feeling more confused when others seem to be enjoying their lives and you just feel left out. But then you realise that you haven't also eaten anything, go grab some food, look at memes online and realise that everybody is as lost as you are, if not always, then have been for some periods in their life. You've managed to come this far and will probably keep on going and even realise that you've had these days before but they always passed as well.
TLDR: make sure all your stats (sleep, work, food,relations etc) are positive. If you notice something being wrong with them, then your emotions of being lost are peovablt being influenced by that. If those are okay then you probably lack a goal in general and should establish a new one :)

sora360 @sora360
commented on
Has anyone else ever just felt lost? Like what am i living for?
sora360 @sora360
Okane with the life advice. Thats probably the wisest thing ive ever heard from a 21 year old. (especially the food thing, i always feel better after ive eaten lol) Who are u ... reallly? u know too much xD

Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
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Has anyone else ever just felt lost? Like what am i living for?
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
Well, I used to far more often. You just need to find an ambition, a goal/s you want to achieve, Whether it be getting the body/health you wanted, a job you specifically want or a life-style you desire to have. Only you can find out what that thing is, though I can give you tips on how, which is just look at your hobbies or things you enjoy for a job, or maybe something you want to do. For instance I want to help and defend people, so I've decided to work my into becoming a police officer, but if I didn't want to do that, I probably would of tried to become a game designer, because I love games. Always be working towards something, whether it be big or small, If you do something every day that's heading towards a long term goal, you won't be wasting that day.
Now there will still be days when you wonder what it's all for, but those will begin to fade and become less and less frequent as time goes on. Just pull your bootstraps up and figure out what you want to be doing.

okane_o_kudasai @okane_o_kudasai
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Has anyone else ever just felt lost? Like what am i living for?
okane_o_kudasai @okane_o_kudasai
I've just analyzed myself a lot and tried to come up with conclusions...
We think the source of our problems changes with age but it's still the same as when we were small children in reality. It's kinda foolish when you don't take care of your basic human functions(eating, sleeping, planning time) and then are surpised "oh no, why am I feeling this way". If you're more interested you could check up your diet, for example lack of magnesium which is needed for a lot of processes in your body, including sending nerve impulses on, can cause nervousness and anger fits. Our body functions fine if you keep it the materials it needs in normality. Healthy body = healthy mind

Excaliborg @excaliborg
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Has anyone else ever just felt lost? Like what am i living for?
Excaliborg @excaliborg
Never even have an idea on what i look forward to as i wake up first thing in the morning! As i do the same routine everyday, but i always imagine netting a girl that has the same hobbies as me and be able to change my life! (Anime and Manga Experiences) and hence i sit here and wait :D

Lishifu @hakutaku
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Has anyone else ever just felt lost? Like what am i living for?
Lishifu @hakutaku
I feel lost from time to time because I overthink uncertainties of life;however,I always know I seek for freedom, knowledge and better understandings of the world/society/myself after witnessing beauty and mystery of this world."I haven't been everywhere,but it's on my list".

judgmentoftherain @judgmentoftherain
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Has anyone else ever just felt lost? Like what am i living for?
judgmentoftherain @judgmentoftherain
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