What's the hardest part about dating YOU?

meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
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What's the hardest part about dating YOU?
meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
I'm very talkative (but informative), get sensory overloads from too much information from others, have difficulties avoiding laziness/depression/low energy, difficulty in managing my schedule and tasks in the best orders, weakened by repetitive "bad tastes" in life, fear of important things startling me during relaxing moments such as hobbies and meditation, and being pretty picky on things.

chainmain @chainmain
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What's the hardest part about dating YOU?
chainmain @chainmain
depression and introversion

sora360 @sora360
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What's the hardest part about dating YOU?
sora360 @sora360
Severe bouts of depression and an extreme distrust of most people. Honesty is a rare commodity these days.

CODBO2RGM2 @codbo2rgm2
commented on
What's the hardest part about dating YOU?
CODBO2RGM2 @codbo2rgm2
1). I guess my ability to easily adapt with change in a schedule, sometimes I say dark and disturbing things, I tend to stim, meaning be on repeat, on stupid useless shit, I don't have a filter, the list goes on!
2). I can be either too distant at times and at times I can be too clingy to the point if it doesn't work out for me, my inner demons take over. But I am mostly just too distant, have been in relationships but no dates.
3). If I find the perfect person, at times I could get a bit that way. But mostly I try my very best to remain loyal. I also am able to get real bored real fast.
4). Oh there's no doubt I am boring! If you ask about Transformers you'd think I am the most boring guy alive. I can easily bore someone by just looking at them!
5). Actually, not very much. As long as the girl loves me back for who I am, would remain loyal to me even if I die early, and has a little bit of attractiveness to her, I could care less about anything else!
6). Well, I wish I was able to take the initiative to get a little romantic/sexual but unfortunately nobody ever wants to with me. Mostly because I have no idea how to consent without making myself look like a pervert or creep... Not to mention nobody would ever want to bang me ;-;
7). Yes, absolutely! I've always been that way!
8). Well I guess a high possibility. I remember a friend told me he got in a relationship and I just hated him for a good month. I had constant dreams of wanting to take his life, one with a gunshot to the head, another with a grenade, one with a knife. I even went as far to put a curse on him to ruin his relationship and it happened. So, in reality, I could be if I am not happy prior.
9). Well, there's so much to work on! I want to work on all of it but I just can't stay committed to resolving my problems... I just am one big fuck-up I know...

festive @festive
commented on
What's the hardest part about dating YOU?
festive @festive
I think I expect too much from people while not being very good at voicing what I want.

blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
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What's the hardest part about dating YOU?
blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
This account has been suspended.

dreav @dreav
commented on
What's the hardest part about dating YOU?
dreav @dreav
My standards are definitely way too high. Perhaps not high, but very specific. I won't date anyone with shorter hair than me, for example.
The other big one is: I like to make jokes, and laugh, and as my partner, they would be the butt of some of the jokes, just as all my friends, family, and myself are. And I will go too far.

Orandula @orandula
commented on
What's the hardest part about dating YOU?
Orandula @orandula
severe PTSD, nobody understands or can apparently sustain a successful relationship with me...

kratos10987 @kratos10987
commented on
What's the hardest part about dating YOU?
kratos10987 @kratos10987
I talk way too much, and I make too many jokes. I blame my Asperger's Syndrome for the former, and growing up with my grandpa for the second.

m o c h a @fuyuki
commented on
What's the hardest part about dating YOU?
m o c h a @fuyuki
i'm a people pleaser and i'm really sensitive. I get offended easily and i'd get sad pretty quick too. And i play too much games soooo :v
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