Favorite Switch game(so far)

kratos10987 @kratos10987
Favorite Switch game(so far)
kratos10987 @kratos10987
Well we know the Nintendo Switch is growing in popularity, and I won't be surprised if I hear most people here reply with Smash Ultimate. But still, what Switch game so far is your favorite? And if one comes out later that becomes your new favorite, feel free to repost and tell about it.
For me, it's Octopath Traveler. Awesome that they were able to fit so many unique stories, with a great battle system that is sort of a combination of Bravely Default, and Shin Megami Tensei.

redreaper33 @redreaper33
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Favorite Switch game(so far)
redreaper33 @redreaper33
I played ocotopath for two hours and got bored. Glad someone liked it though.

heathery_18 @heathery_18
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Favorite Switch game(so far)
heathery_18 @heathery_18
BOTW I have to say. I'm just a hice Senda fan. But like the others I also loved Smash Ultimate

BurningHalo @burninghalo
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Favorite Switch game(so far)
BurningHalo @burninghalo

JΩker @psychosho
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Favorite Switch game(so far)
JΩker @psychosho
ARMS and Odyssey were my favorites, then Smash Bros came out and now its that. XD

Whisp @whispywoods
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Favorite Switch game(so far)
Whisp @whispywoods
Until now I've only played a bit of Smash and Bayonetta2. I haven't given myself more time to play for some reason.

Bitch please @tabris
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Favorite Switch game(so far)
Bitch please @tabris
This account has been suspended.

ヤンデレ王子 Audio @darkprinceofaudio
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Favorite Switch game(so far)
ヤンデレ王子 Audio @darkprinceofaudio
So far none, my family didn't have a switch til my dad won one in a raffle a few weeks ago. Now it's just gonna sit in its box til he decides what to do with it.

Onizuka @averageboss
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Favorite Switch game(so far)
Onizuka @averageboss
My biggest complaint with the Switch is that is has too many good games :P .
Things I have really enjoyed on it so far are: Xenoblade 2, Mario Odyssey, Breath of the Wild, Mario + Rbbids Kingdom Battle, NSMB Deluxe, and looking forward to playing Octopath.

ヤンデレ王子 Audio @darkprinceofaudio
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Favorite Switch game(so far)
ヤンデレ王子 Audio @darkprinceofaudio
So you're biggest problem with it is that you lack the work ethic to get a job that's able to pay for all the stuff you want?
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