Anime Expo 19

ahri @ahri
Anime Expo 19
ahri @ahri
Hello all! Im just wondering if anyone in the southern california area is going to anime expo this year! pref girls or a group of people to hang out with but im down to meet up with anyone before ax. i might go alone this year and you all know how lonely that can be lol

chimerayuri @chimerayuri
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Anime Expo 19
chimerayuri @chimerayuri
I’m going

正体不明 @dj_octavio
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Anime Expo 19
正体不明 @dj_octavio
This account has been suspended.

jorge_sensei @jorge_sensei
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Anime Expo 19
jorge_sensei @jorge_sensei
hello im actually going all 4 days this year
might do my first cosplay at the convention this time
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