Should we stop talking to females online altogether?

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
Should we stop talking to females online altogether?
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
commented on
Should we stop talking to females online altogether?
Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913

Baka @reinhardt76
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Should we stop talking to females online altogether?
Baka @reinhardt76
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Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
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Should we stop talking to females online altogether?
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio


Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
commented on
Should we stop talking to females online altogether?
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
YOU can stop talking to females, but the alpha males know whats up.

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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Should we stop talking to females online altogether?
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
This account has been suspended.

正義の味方 @gundamu
commented on
Should we stop talking to females online altogether?
正義の味方 @gundamu
I didn't want to feed into this thread but yeah whatever OP, less competition for men who aren't so insecure that they feel the need to constantly project so hard. If there's an epidemic of "horrible, manipulative females" I'd say there's also an epidemic of weak, insecure males with too much free time like OP: the type of men who somehow turn their lack of social skills into a crusade against women just because they had failures with dating and also because following the narrative of "all women are just bitches anyway!" is much easier than actually improving yourself.
As much as I hate when people say this since it's entirely subjective: seriously get a life. Maybe you'll start to realize that your worldview and personality are the problem if you go out and do something aside from bitch about women on some weeb dating site lmao

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
commented on
Should we stop talking to females online altogether?
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
I mean i agree women can be evil at times. But if we boycott all women what then? Literally XD women are too beautiful for some of us to actually give up on.
P.s ur mom gay, ur dad lesbian and ur dog is a furry.

kassy89 @kassy89
commented on
Should we stop talking to females online altogether?
kassy89 @kassy89
I can be evil if I’m pissed off

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
commented on
Should we stop talking to females online altogether?
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
How this forum is still alive? xD
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