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What kind of dere do you go after when it comes to dating?

I've realized over the years that art imitates reality but most people feel that life imitates art but when it comes to this it seems that anime imitates life because as many people that I've dated in as many type of people that I've come across in my life it seems like there is a certain type of girl that multiple people go after but it seems like now at this time there is an easier way to go after what type of girl or what type of guy that you want when it comes to anime and when it comes to life when it comes to dating...... I'd love to go after a dandere or a tsundere but most of the time I get a Yandere for some reason but anyway what kind of dere(s)!do you go out here and when it comes to dating?
I have a reeeeeeally soft spot for deredere @ u @) like.. the cute type that says cute stuff to you and make cute things and aaaaaaa all the cuteness! Tbh it's like a recharger >///< Sometimes it's like you just need to hear that person say or do something that warms your heart to feel all your bad feelings melting away. ...On the other hand, I can't go that smooth with tsunderes orz because I can't say if they're serious or not. Yandere sounds kinda tempting, but not sure of it'd go well irl o-o
Probably kuudere or yandere, I'm not much a fan of tsundere or deredere in reality.
I'm majorly a Tsundere but like... i'm depressed all the time. i'm also a Kuudere, though I really don't see a difference.
>I'm more of a Kuudere, by my uncomfortably stoic informal nature. >Yet shitposts alot like a Dojikko, when i'm trying to be a funny dude. >When I'm in public I hit the Kuudere on over drive, making me a Dandere. >My Ideals are similar to a hybrid anarchist, creating a delinquent "Sukeban" or "Boncho" anti-humanity society brain wavelengths. >My preferences: Why not try every dere, to see whats right for me. >Bashful Hubris: This sounds like some bad fan-fiction.
how many different -dere's are there anyway?
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Just because she rejects you doesn't mean she's a tsundere.
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