Here comes a New Challenger.

Ziel @ziel
Here comes a New Challenger.
Ziel @ziel
Jokes aside, I just wanna say that its nice to find a community like this and hopefully make some new friends and possibly meet the right one for me.
Here's to a bright new future with infinite possibilities

Lishifu @hakutaku
commented on
Here comes a New Challenger.
Lishifu @hakutaku
Welcome to this website&community~Have fun~To get familiar with active members, you might as well interact with people on the forums , for example threads in random chatters, or the Discord servers.Good luck.

kratos10987 @kratos10987
commented on
Here comes a New Challenger.
kratos10987 @kratos10987
Hiya hiya!

CAC @cac
commented on
Here comes a New Challenger.
CAC @cac

aho girl @ahoonnanoko
commented on
Here comes a New Challenger.
aho girl @ahoonnanoko
Welcome to MaiOtaku, you're in the right place to make friends so I'm sure you'll make plenty in no time.

Elgardiel @maxkarateboy
commented on
Here comes a New Challenger.
Elgardiel @maxkarateboy
Explore and Enjoy :D A lot of amazing people here :D

Onizuka @averageboss
commented on
Here comes a New Challenger.
Onizuka @averageboss
Welcome, and have fun.

Jessie @erendel
commented on
Here comes a New Challenger.
Jessie @erendel
Hello there, you'll find some good people on here.
Also, welcome.

sushie @sushie
commented on
Here comes a New Challenger.
sushie @sushie
Welcome to the site and enjoy making friends! :D

Funmusicorn @funmusicorn
commented on
Here comes a New Challenger.
Funmusicorn @funmusicorn
welcome ^^
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