Kamina @kamina_
Kamina @kamina_
When I say this, I don't mean Wicca or other neopaganism. I mean either eastern religions, or revivalist/reconstructionist religions.
Anyone else here? I'm part of the cultus of Helios, and a Taoist as well. Mostly only interested in other religious people, so don't know if anyone else here resonates with this or not.
Lishifu @hakutaku
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Lishifu @hakutaku
A Taoist/道士? 道長你好〈( ^.^)ノDo you practice this?
or this:https://instagram.com/p/BpdfE_wFRA3/
Kamina @kamina_
commented on
Kamina @kamina_
That video I'm guessing is some kind of Taichi. I don't practice Taichi, but it's pretty cool nonetheless.
And LOL is that a jiangsi and an exorcist costume?
I practice the occultic side of Taoism, and also have a patron God named Húxiān 「狐仙」Ive read the baopuzi, and I desire to live my life more by the Tao since Chinese people always seem pretty happy. I've visited your country before and I was very happy with what I saw living there for months at a time in a Chinese village. There were of course fucked up things, like locals hunting stray dogs, but overall people were nicer, and everyone was helpful and friendly. Food, OMG, some of the best I've ever had. Never once got sick.
Lishifu @hakutaku
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Lishifu @hakutaku
Baopuzi!By 葛洪/Ge Hong. Hah that book is even mentioned in the lightnovel of Index's! Tai Chi/Taiji/太极☯拳 is regarded to be invented by Taoists,because Taoists(the followers of that religions) were pretty good at preserving health and making elixirs(Tofu was also created by them due to certain accidents)...Taoists in ancient times had three major skills:1.making elixirs 2.exorcism 3.bedroom skills.
HuXian/fox spirit belief sounds more like a folk belief~What is her name? 黄大仙/Huang DaXian? Sure, the religion Taoism also learned from folk beliefs and Buddhism.There are so many deities! Did you visit Mount Tai? Did those villagers understand what u said?
Taoists and Buddhists are good at fighting Jiangshi!*waves 桃木剑!
Kamina @kamina_
commented on
Kamina @kamina_
Lol you recite taoist lore and history well.
I'm not Buddhist and don't associate with them due to their anti intellectual nature.
The "folk beliefs" are because Taoism converges with and is compatible with folk religion.
I'm not sure which Húxiān I actually have worshipped lol, I found a shrine to this deity when I was in a town east of Harbin and I had some beautiful things happen there.
Yes people from the north can understand my accent okayish. People from Fujian, Zhejiang, Guangdong etc have a lot of trouble though.
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