Resident evil 2

milktee @milktee
Resident evil 2
milktee @milktee
Anyone playing resident evil 2?
Pretty much stuck after getting the magnum since the tyrant and 2 lickers in the hallway. I keep dying. Any help?

Fruitageous @fruitageous
commented on
Resident evil 2
Fruitageous @fruitageous
After you get the Magnum, its best to save the ammo for the boss fights that you encounter. As for progressing in the game, your going to have to find the circuit board pieces for the Jail cell to get the garage keycard to escape. (Hint if you havent done so, check the morgue for a certain key item, youll know what im talking about if you saw it. It's easily missed.)

Phantom slasher @houndofdoom
commented on
Resident evil 2
Phantom slasher @houndofdoom
I am in the sewer about to get back up with someone i dont wanted say who because i am sure yall would like to find that out yourselfs but so far i like it, it really different from the original one dont get me wrong it has it's frustrating parts like with the tyrant because you can only shoot him in the head.

Fruitageous @fruitageous
commented on
Resident evil 2
Fruitageous @fruitageous
I have currently finished Leon's route, about to start Claire's route soon!

正義の味方 @gundamu
commented on
Resident evil 2
正義の味方 @gundamu
I've been playing it all weekend pretty much. Pretty sure I'm nearing the end of Leon's route though I've been mostly playing in short bursts since I've been playing Ace Combat 7 too

milktee @milktee
commented on
Resident evil 2
milktee @milktee
I just finished some of the sewer. Don’t want to give spoilers...But I need to do more tomorrow I have to get ready for a full day of patients tomorrow. I’ll be sure to finish Leon’s chapter tomorrow at the least.

Baka @reinhardt76
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Resident evil 2
Baka @reinhardt76
This account has been suspended.

escuder TuT @escudertut
commented on
Resident evil 2
escuder TuT @escudertut
I will buy it in holidays so I can enjoy all the game from 2 to 6 :D would be a nice week

Triscuit @bob_loblaw
commented on
Resident evil 2
Triscuit @bob_loblaw
Finished my first playthrough with Leon earlier today and started the 2nd run with Claire. Love everything about the game... except for the Tyrant xD Well, he was cool during the initial anxiety he causes you to feel as he stalks you around, but then it just got annoying. Like, sometimes I just wanna wander around slowly... sometimes I just wanna work on opening a door... and instead the stupid Tyrant's gotta keep coming into the room I'm in -_-
Kinda wish there was an evade move too, but then it wouldn't be a Resident Evil game anymore xD

正義の味方 @gundamu
commented on
Resident evil 2
正義の味方 @gundamu
Yeah, the Tyrant starts off as spooky and then he gets old pretty quick. My tone quickly shifted from "oh shit, he's coming. gotta get away" to "ah man, and then there's this fucking asshole again. can I just get from point a to point b without having to take a detour already?" The worst moment I had was getting the handle for the jack in the library. I didn't bother killing the two lickers or any of the new zombies in the west wing can just sneak by them easily. And that went super smooth as I got all of the loot and stuff in the west wing along with the handle.
Though once I got the handle everything went to shit because the Tyrant was literally standing outside of the door as soon as I walked out of that room. Had to run past the lickers and all of the zombies with basically everything grabbing me or hitting me at least once. Only managed to survive because I had like 3 combat knives and two flash grenades. Oh but it doesn't even end there, he literally blocked me from moving the bookshelves into place to cross the broken floor by standing in between the bookshelves when he made his way into the library. I was soooo close to just losing him and getting to the clocktower. :u
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