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X Problems

Well I come to the conclusion that when it comes to my X's it's kind of hard to feels like I'm included anymore because of the fact that me and my X is not together anymore. Like that feeling where you had already eaten your ice cream and now that it's all gone....what's next? Wake her example the fact that one of my ex's literally was going to college and I didn't want her to feel like she had to be with someone long distance while also feeling like she had to push yourself to be something that she wasn't, while at the same time she was going through family things and I kept on trying to tell her that she should talk to her family about things that she wanted to do with her life and not just say that she's going to do wishing to try to do it or do it under their watchful eye but actually get it done instead of just doing what her parents are telling her to do instead of making her own decisions of what she wants to do with her life. as it really concern did me because the fact that I was where she was but earlier in my life where I literally wanted to do things and wanted to accomplish things but it took one person to show me that I can do it and then I started picking myself up and doing it. But when it came to this girl date took me and her literally stop talking to each other for her to literally do it as it kind of hurt where if I'm not in the mix then everything is perfectly fine but with me in the mix I'm literally having to act like I'm a parent for someone's child wear I feel like I'm not that important to somebody's life as I'm just that coach that's giving advice and telling people what they have to do so they can become successful or help them when they really need someone to talk to but when people misunderstand what I'm saying then I feel like I have to literally step back and let people see what they want to do because I always live by this code where if you love something then set it free and if it comes back to you then it was meant to be but I'm not all about that life where they come back to me with a child and problems that I already warned them about.... That would make me feel like I'm second place after someone had already made their decisions after I have already tried my best to help. Even another one of my exes that I have known since 2011 that I have had good moments and bad moments with and it is almost like a repeat system where we would break up then get back together and either because of distance or family problems or just misunderstandings that could of been fixed but wasn't....I tried my best to do the one thing that I always try not to do which is just say yes to everything when it comes to relationships because the easiest way is just to say yes to everything and not be who I am but then there are those times where I just start to agree and not give my honest opinion. Me and this girl literally was going to have a date with one another in this year but that was cancelled with the fact that me and my dad had a trip planned on the same day as our date so that was cancelled and it seemed like she shut down after the fact that the same time that she was going to see her mom her mom literally had a date with her boyfriend so she's going through stuff and I'm trying to be there but at the same time I feel like I'm not really in the mix right now like I feel like I I sort of am but at the same time not even close. We talk sometimes but not all the time because we are in two different parts of New York but not in the same city or town as she's Upstate and I am down the mountain. Seriously it's a lot to take in when it comes to those X problems either they could be those problems where she stalking everything that you do and watching everything that you do and hoping that you're thinking of her when you have no feelings for her at all and then there are those times where she either has somewhat feelings for you but she's with someone.... And then there are those times where they don't even know where you spend in their life or the use you as some form of comforting pillow when things are breaking down. My recent ex literally put me through that and it was the same ex that I have known since 2011.... When things don't break down well it seems like me and her don't talk anymore and when we don't talk her life goes to shit and even when mine does hers is ten times worse. Right now That's what it comes down to when it comes to my ex's and I wonder what it's like for any of you when you are forced into those type of situations?
Jan 20, 19 at 8:30pm
whoa, that wall of text im not brave enough to climb it *reads last two sentences* not really
Yeah I'm sorry about that as I kind of went on my own little rant when I posted this.
Jan 20, 19 at 8:45pm
np, its good to get things off your chest >w> personally iv never really had that problem, but then again iv never stayed friends with an ex (at least not as good of friend as before)
With me and my ex right now it's not really going well but here I met someone that I really like and she is becoming more and more someone that I really want to get to know. She loves anime and she loves poetry.
Jan 21, 19 at 9:34am
*reads the last two sentences No Imagined solution: a friendship is enough if she isn't interested in you in a romantic sense. There are countless people across this world having traits you like.
I know but at the time it seemed like I wasn't needed anymore as the only thing that I was doing is being around.
Jan 21, 19 at 5:58pm
Only you can make your purpose, and if she's an Ex, she doesn't need you. Don't let other people be the anchor that gives your life worth, Or you'll never be truly happy. These women sound like they are incredibly toxic. Cut them out of your life, and focus on meeting new people. If a relationship needs CPR everyday just to keep it alive, it's not a healthy, nor good relationship, If the person makes you feel bad more than good, than it is not a healthy relationship. You sound like you're codependent, and while that can seem like it's good, trust me when I say, it's not. You need to be your own person, to be ready for a healthy relationship, you need to understand how to be happy, by yourself, before you can be truly happy with someone else. Only you can decide who to talk to, who to spend time with, and who to allow in your life. But realize that the only bad things that people do to you, are the things you allow, and they will continue to happen, as long as you keep letting it happen and not cutting those type of people out of your life. If you don't like just being around, work on something you love, Find out what you want to do, Who you want to be, and Do it. Stop focusing on just relationships, until you're truly ready. And with all due respect, you don't seem to be just yet.
Jan 22, 19 at 12:04am
Seriously? I literally am forced to be that go back to guy or be that guy who deals with bullshit. Dude I did this to rant as I seriously live in a state of feeling like I'm just a halfwit while having to deal with ex after ex treating me like I owe everyone a damn thing. Block my ex, she makes a new profile and tells me she's pregnant. Next ex tells me she misses me, next ex tells me that she she lost her dad!! Seriously right now I'm looking to start a new beginning for myself and not deal with my past and hope to walk that line of I'm doing my own thing and everyone else can do their own thing. Seriously all I want right now is to be able to do what I need to do with my life and I feel like I have to keep on going backwards instead of going forward. seriously I'm always going backwards for people and feeling like I am doing wrong and I am doing this or I am doing that or feeling like I'm not accomplishing when I need to because I'm going backwards and blaming everyone that besides myself. I love myself and I love the person that I am if I love helping people out and I'm grateful for what people have but I rather tell people to block me and live their life to the fullest then have me feel like I need them to be happy and not the other way around or not in a equal viewing. I literally had to make a choice of either sacrificing a friendship with an ex or sacrificing an opportunity for herself when she isn't even close to me or even able to even live on her own let alone live a life outside of her bubble? So I made that choice and I feel like I did the right thing because right now I'm not trying to take care of someone that wants to act like a child and I'm not looking to be someone's daddy. I feel like I've grown enough and I know what I need to do. I've seen it all from those people that would abused their partner to those that would love their partner even if they are treated like shit I have seen those people who have had partners that love them deeply and I've seen psychotic relationships so nobody can tell me that I don't know relationships or know what I want or know what I have to do when I have known this since I was literally 10 years old watching witnessing it.
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