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The important things

What are the important things that you should know in your opinion when it comes to a relationship ? I just came back from once again breaking out with my ex and I feel like I forgot about what is truly important because the fact that everything that I should do don't do was literally thrown out of whack. Truly crazy how things work outside anyway it truly makes me think of what is the important things that you should think about and remember in relationships like the non serious stuff and the really serious stuff that makes a real relationship work?
Dec 30, 18 at 11:02am
The important thing(As there are to many "things" to bother mentioning.) is, love yourself. For if you can't love yourself, how can you love another? When I say love yourself, I don't mean in a selfish and egocentric sort of way. Rather, love yourself for the betterment of others. I'm still working on that part myself, even though I'm married.
Dec 30, 18 at 11:04am
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Well, first thing to note is no one relationship is exactly alike. Everyone has their own wants and emotional needs, and they want someone who could fill them. A healthy relationship involves both parties harmonizing those so that both involved individuals are mutually collaborating toward each other's fulfillment. So, some important elements you want in a relationship, regardless of what type it is are: 1: Fairness 2: Trust 3: Good communication and/or Human Empathy. That should cover your bases, whether it's a loving relationship, a casual relationship, an open relationship, a marriage, or hell, even a friendship, family relationship, or working acquaintance. Other things that could benefit you in your relationships: 1: Self awareness 2: Social Intelligence 3: Maintaining health (Physical and mental) 4: Build on practical skills so that you can pull your weight when needed. 5: What Yaasshat said. Self love is vital whether you're in or out of a relationship. Other than that, like I said, every relationship needs different things, because the people involved expect something different out of it. So every relationship has its own rules. There are some general societal ones we can draw upon. Don't cheat. Don't abuse your significant other physically, mentally, or verbally. Be honest, those sorts of things. Anyways, hope that helps. I'll elaborate more later, but I just woke up.
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