Being Otaku

Seto D. Requiem @seto_s_osiris_jenkins
Being Otaku
Seto D. Requiem @seto_s_osiris_jenkins

_ @themoonkitty
commented on
Being Otaku
_ @themoonkitty
I'm confused...What are we supposed to do here???

Valentine @valentine
commented on
Being Otaku
Valentine @valentine

David @dunkmeinariver
commented on
Being Otaku
David @dunkmeinariver
we're supposed to be otaku here!
um, ramune! and stuff XD

otakurickeykun @otakurickeykun
commented on
Being Otaku
otakurickeykun @otakurickeykun
Well, I LOVE being an otaku. Not ashamed to admit I go home and watch anime >_>. I hope I never grow out of it! (Although being the generic anime stereotype of otaku would be scary >//< no hentai dolls on my shelf). But, yeah! Anime is one of the coolest art forms on earth, and has some amazing stuff that I don't find in all of the generic hollywood movies and dull t.v. shows here in america. Japan Ftw!

_ @themoonkitty
commented on
Being Otaku
_ @themoonkitty
<center><font color="purple">An otaku is the way to be!! I heart all things Japanese ... well.. for the most part xD <BR>
And I'm totally cool with that, hehe... the point of this topic though makes me do this =@_@=<BR>
Let's give it a purpose!! Hehe<Center></font>

dark_cosplays_07 @dark_cosplays_07
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Being Otaku
dark_cosplays_07 @dark_cosplays_07
i am otaku and proud of it!while the so called "incrowd" calls me names and says realy hurtfull things like - troll freak childish and alot more i think -(whatever i have a much happier life than you do so i win! ^_^ )my moms boy friend tells me to grow up all the time and stop watching cartoons and i normally dont say anything but one time i did and said - "at leest im happy with my life and have alot more people who love me than hate me." witch he just shut up at that point and didn't talk to me for a while but ya thats one of many reasons i like being otaku becuse when other people go through pure h--- we have fun! ^_^

Lucky_Channel @lucky_channel
commented on
Being Otaku
Lucky_Channel @lucky_channel
Well I have a love for anime, and I always have the want to give back to it. I started making AMV's to give back the anime community, and now I founded/run my own anime convention. ^_^ The Otaku life is a good one. Especially when Vic Migogna calls you boss lol.

konad13 @konad13
commented on
Being Otaku
konad13 @konad13
I love anime and manga. I have a few models too, and a few games, but my other loves (reading of all kinds and hanging with my buds) really cuts into my Otaku lifestyle...

1337 @the1337
commented on
Being Otaku
1337 @the1337
even my dad hates it i'll still fight for my otaku right \(^o^)/
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