Do looks really matter?

meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
Do looks really matter?
meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
People say "Don't judge by the book's cover!"
My father thinks I deserve muscles, but my mother showed me this video I cannot find easily that has an average-looking son more supportive toward his mother than a narccist guy and a muscular guy both toward their mothers.
I even heard in Japan, cuteness is preferred more than sexy looks.
Any thoughts?

Machie Doppleman @doppleman
commented on
Do looks really matter?
Machie Doppleman @doppleman
Because 90% of people do judge by the cover of the book. So, to communicate efficiently with the vast majority, you need to keep the desired appearance.

kratos10987 @kratos10987
commented on
Do looks really matter?
kratos10987 @kratos10987
For me, no. I've never been one to place a high importance on appearance in anything. I know that places me in a very slim minority.

foo_fighter @foo_fighter
commented on
Do looks really matter?
foo_fighter @foo_fighter
Well imo it does.
but the good thing is "good looks" is subjective. Everyone have their own standards.

Chocopyro @chocopyro
commented on
Do looks really matter?
Chocopyro @chocopyro
Its mildly important to me, even if I am a demisexual. Though its only a part of the package. Not having looks puts people at a disadvantage. Though you have to wonder why humans also evolved to find intelligence and humor to be attractive traits. Or why nurturing and supportive ability may win someone over a psychopath. The answer is humans are complicated creatures. And that's good for most of us as it means there are work arounds. And yes, attraction is subjective, with physical attraction mostly boiling down to the symmetry in the face and the body type people prefer.
For me in particular, I place creativity and compassion a little higher than looks. I like minds that I can explore over time. And I like to feel comfortable or welcomed when doing so.

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
Do looks really matter?
yaasshat @yaasshat
It's like this, there is only so much that nature can do and only so much that people can really desire from that. But, how you appear to be, that will influence EVERYONE around you. In other words, taking care of yourself shows that you care and that influences a ton about how you're viewed. Must you be a model? No. Must you be put together and show that you care about your own appearance? Absolutely.

Marcus @marcus_k
commented on
Do looks really matter?
Marcus @marcus_k
Agree with Yass. Also, like man... it's your own damn body. Muscles should be a thing you want or don't want for your own reasons like health and your body being a reflection of your lifestyle, values and choices, not because someone tells you you should or shouldn't.
Do what you want! It's your life after all.

bird mama @leia
commented on
Do looks really matter?
bird mama @leia
I agree with yaasshat also. You gotta take what you're given (unless you use surgery to become more 'attractive' though often that has the opposite effect) and use it to the best of your ability. Not to say cake makeup onto your face or constantly brush your hair ect but the effort has to be put in for people to put effort into you and what you care about. Like it or not that's society for ya. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Personal Maid @personalmaidservice
commented on
Do looks really matter?
Personal Maid @personalmaidservice
Well good hygiene is important so yes. Be healthy

Silva @silva
commented on
Do looks really matter?
Silva @silva

Yes it matters
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