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Well, Hello there!

I will start with what my profile says BUT- ask me stuff, and I will tell you! I am an open book! I'm not sure what to say. Well, I'm a very talkative and friendly person. I'm also very kind hearted and genuinely care about people, until they give me a reason not to. I'm a kind person,  but sometimes too honest and I accidentally hurt someone's feelings. Please tell me if I do, and I will apologize! That said, I do love to joke and be sarcastic.  I am a metalhead and love heavy metal! I also love country music, especially from the 90s! I consider myself an odd mix- I am country, I am a metalhead, I am goth, I am Christian, I am a geek... I guess a lot of things describe me. I dont mind labels to describe me, as I know they do not define me. I'm also am extremely honest person , and don't tolerate liars. I'm a bit of a paradox. I'm social, friendly and noisy. Yet- some of my favorite hobbies are reading, writing and quietly listening to the birds outside. In fact, listening to the birds is very peaceful, as is going for a walk. I'm not a morning person, but sometimes I miss hearing them in the morning. I work a whole lot now days anyways, but I am on the internet often.  I'm not looking for casual sex, one night stands, etc... If you just want to do things like that, it wont be me. Message me if you like staying home and watching netflix, are a bit of a geek, love anime, back rubs and/or video games My ideal date is at home. When we do go out, I like mostly burgers and Pizza! Also love Sushi! That said, I am okay with making regular friends on here too! I am a Christian and it's important. Hobbies: Aspiring Writer Aspiring Voice Actor Anime Video Games Comics/superhero stuff Lightsaber swinging I like a lot of things and can tell you more when we chat.
https://media.giphy.com/media/KOVlHmbBA09XO/giphy.gif Too bad you don't like one night stand we could have play with our light sabers ( ͡° ͜ ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 20, 18 at 2:31pm
XD well, I like your sense of humor, at least. Also that Obi-wan reference was literally the reason for the title of this thread. So congratulations on getting the reference dude lol
Sep 23, 18 at 11:25am
Barely anyone speaks to me on here...
Sep 23, 18 at 11:48am
Lol randombaguette!!! Ah, anyway, welcome to the site sephiva. ^^
Sep 23, 18 at 1:55pm
Thanks! I hope more people talk to me soon...been kinda quiet so far X_X
Sep 25, 18 at 7:20am
No one really spoke to me when I posted an introduction here either. I think there isn't much interaction on this site in general? But welcome! I'm a Christian as well and love playing video games.
Sep 25, 18 at 10:08am
Hello! Nice to meet you!
Sep 25, 18 at 10:16am
Nice to meet you too!
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