VA-11 HALL-A Sequal

pogun1 @pogun1
VA-11 HALL-A Sequal
pogun1 @pogun1
Ladies and gentlemen the waifu gods have blessed us with another lesbian beer adventure. Praise.

thegoblinking @thegoblinking
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VA-11 HALL-A Sequal
thegoblinking @thegoblinking
As much as I had grown emotionally attached to the synthetic sedation of karmotrine, we now progress towards a future comprised of more natural alcohol. But we shall never forget our Marsblasts and Bran- Mar- BRANDtinis!

thegoblinking @thegoblinking
commented on
VA-11 HALL-A Sequal
thegoblinking @thegoblinking

weebian @weebian
commented on
VA-11 HALL-A Sequal
weebian @weebian
Pretty exited for this, the first one was definitely a feelzgood
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