Article 13

dark_lord @dark_lord
Article 13
dark_lord @dark_lord
So, how do you feel when our freedom is being taken away?

randombaguette @randombaguette
commented on
Article 13
randombaguette @randombaguette
AHAHAH i wish them good luck with that.

Machie Doppleman @doppleman
commented on
Article 13
Machie Doppleman @doppleman
I think it's dumb. I'm glad I don't live in Europe right now. Don't take away our memes!

randombaguette @randombaguette
commented on
Article 13
randombaguette @randombaguette
don't worry

☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit
commented on
Article 13
☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit
Unaffected due to being a citizen of the United States. Seriously, all you guys in countries that have not left the EU need to get out while you still can.

xueli @xueli
commented on
Article 13
xueli @xueli
As far as I understand it, it's just a proposed directive. The final wording isn't going to come out until the new year and even then, that's where it actually goes into negotiations to become an actual directive which then has 2 years until countries have to make their laws kinda like it, to some effect so no one knows how much of this not finalized directive would even be implemented. I'm sure there's an election cycle in that time range

Niwatori @niwatori
commented on
Article 13
Niwatori @niwatori
It's inevitable and gay
Don't be afraid to wear a vest and pop yourself for the memes.

Personal Maid @personalmaidservice
commented on
Article 13
Personal Maid @personalmaidservice
What about 11

randombaguette @randombaguette
commented on
Article 13
randombaguette @randombaguette
They already did some shit like that (in france at least) like hadopi that was supposed to stop the illegal download.
My infinite torrent list is whispering me that it didn't works, and that you didn't even need a VPN :^)

Lishifu @hakutaku
commented on
Article 13
Lishifu @hakutaku
We( PRC citizens) don't know what freedom is.
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