My Drawings/Paintings :3

afff @afff
My Drawings/Paintings :3
afff @afff
I turn 18 in like two days and I'm so excited, I'm hoping for new ART SUPPLIES AAAAAA <3
I'm super freakin' excited, so I'll be taking FREE commissions on here for the next two days YESSS

afff @afff
commented on
My Drawings/Paintings :3
afff @afff

Heres a few I've done. Some pieces are unfinished (lol I'm known for starting a piece and not finishing it)

Machie Doppleman @doppleman
commented on
My Drawings/Paintings :3
Machie Doppleman @doppleman
Hi afff,
if you make anything from Made In Abyss, it will be amazing!

afff @afff
commented on
My Drawings/Paintings :3
afff @afff

heres a few more skritchy scratchy unfinished art moments.
Stuff that i just gave up on (a few comics, some portraits, etc). - Aff
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