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The Lack of Common Courtesy

Also btw from what you typed on my profile. There will always be those who get the short end of the stick certainly they won’t be MGTOW or incels in the times before or have a different name in the future but they will always exist, those per Era who will get the short end
Also my outlook forms from my own observation coming to similar conclusions outside of the incel and MGTOW. The reason being to me is that they are dangerous Ideas, that harm the logical and systematic processes of a “man” giving to far in to emotion based logic and overly rationalizing their life’s.
Treat others the way you wish to be treated. If its not reciprocated then you're either doing it wrong or whomever your treating doesn't like the way you're treating them. Either way, adjust & act accordingly. The problem I see is that a lot of people think their way is right and everyone should hop on. It's not. They think being disrespectful is funny. It's not. They think being racist is ok. It's not. Just because you found a small minded person like you doesn't mean you are correct. Then, the thing I hate the most, people honestly believe their INTENTIONS mean a damn thing. It honestly does not. Just because you intended to be funny or nice doesn't mean you were. And just because you explain where you're coming from doesn't diminish whatever you said/did. At this point, that person does 1 of 2 things. They either call you sensitive for calling them out, which is the wrong thing to do, or they apologize for what they said/did and attempt to rectify the situation, which is the right thing to do.
Sep 05, 18 at 6:46pm
thats true nothing matters. at the same time it does matter. life is sorta cool story bro
I too go on /r9k/
Stop chasing women! Let's have some barbecue! http://wx2.sinaimg.cn/large/87d788b2gy1fupgrp6ntag205n0814oe.gif
I bet John is interested in women who have those bad traits but he doesn't know he is attracted to those women :P. I think you should treat love interests the same way as you treat ur best friend.The right partner will see all ur flaws and still love you the same if not even more.Those flaws are what make us special and unique human beings~
Sep 06, 18 at 1:26am
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I think yaasshat makes a good point when he brings up the "type" of women you pursue. Many of us have been guilty of this without realizing it, having a thing that attracts us to a certain type of person, knowing that person just isn't good for us. I went through a stint of it in highschool before I wised up. I had a thing for the emo/scene girls, and if I were to judge all women based on my experience with that single type? I'd likely have come to the same conclusion the OP did. Only with gained wisdom do we realize we had been attracted to the emotionally broken, which isn't good for either party. This goes the same for women attracted to the broken "badboy" type of guy, the type that tends to wind up going, "I hate men! They're all pigs!" because of repeated bad experiences concerning the single "type" of guy she's consistently chased. We all have this flaw, we're commonly attracted to things that aren't good for us. If you keep pursuing the same type of woman every time, you'll be met with the same experience every time. This can tend to blur you to the fact that not all women are that "type". Try to isolate what the common factor was between these girls and find out what had gotten you attracted to them, then you can move forward knowing what to avoid in a future relationship attempt.
Felix-san I remember your comment on the thread "What are hints that a person likes you" "I rely on sexy talk; however, the challenge is that women are masters of unintentional sexy talking. This can either lead to reciprocation, or a situation where the lady becomes profoundly disturbed by the joyous fog that I happen to be inhabiting. I say just show how you feel in a clear, yet subtle way, and let the cards fall where they may." It is true that many women/men are masters of unintentional sexy talking, but those relatively relible/trustworthy people won't flirt with you until they actually like you and know you are a nice and honest person.
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