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Gonna Stop Approaching Women!

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Gentlemen, it has occurred to me, with the number of times I've been ignored or mistreated by women, that this is not an effective mode of being. All the effort I put forth to create a show, to impress and elevate, was completely wasted on this world's nincompoops. Lately, I've been sizing myself up in the mirror; and it's dawned on me that seeking to be smooth or pleasant in order to fit their criteria is absolutely the wrong way to go. What I see now is someone who could be an intimidating cuss with the right training. Can you imagine it, being robbed of your potential as a man who is six foot, two inches in height-- all because your head was in the clouds? It's like having a complete shift of frame, mentally. Instead of the doting, feminized focus, now I'm getting into martial arts-- to better handle myself in a fight against other men! Anyhow, the reason I mention this as advice is that I'm not even going to address women anymore unless they seek me out! I'm not going to waste the energy or allow myself to be hooked into their Matrix. I am not a goddamn spare part, this is my show! I'm breaking my chains, burning the chat window, AFK bitch!
Sep 06, 18 at 11:51pm
Gentlemen, it has occurred to me, with the number of times I've been ignored or mistreated by women, that this is not an effective mode of being. All the effort I put forth to create a show, to impress and elevate, was completely wasted on this world's nincompoops. Lately, I've been sizing myself up in the mirror; and it's dawned on me that seeking to be smooth or pleasant in order to fit their criteria is absolutely the wrong way to go. What I see now is someone who could be an intimidating cuss with the right training. Can you imagine it, being robbed of your potential as a man who is six foot, two inches in height-- all because your head was in the clouds? It's like having a complete shift of frame, mentally. Instead of the doting, feminized focus, now I'm getting into martial arts-- to better handle myself in a fight against other men! Anyhow, the reason I mention this as advice is that I'm not even going to address women anymore unless they seek me out! I'm not going to waste the energy or allow myself to be hooked into their Matrix. I am not a goddamn spare part, this is my show! I'm breaking my chains, burning the chat window, AFK bitch!
"All the effort I put forth to create a show, to impress and elevate, was completely wasted on this world's nincompoops." Translation: I chase girls with cute selfies while not having any pics of myself, but that contradiction doesn't matter cuz they should just fall for me based on the way I present myself fraudulently. Creating a show to impress and elevate: https://akns-images.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/201449/rs_560x415-140509094613-1024.burger-king-whopper.jpg Reality: https://www.slcmenu.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Burger-King-Whopper.jpg
To everyone who is THAT upset about not having a GF/Wife or whatever, buy a sex doll and buy wigs and clothes of the women you like,celebrities you like and fictional characters you like and inact your fantasies then. At least then you'll have SOMETHING rather than complain about a lack of companion on a site like this.
Sep 08, 18 at 7:04pm
or play video games to excape reality. even though thats what they want us to do.
@tiger https://memegenerator.net/img/images/300x300/12579850.jpg Yeah, cuz that's waaaaaaaaay better than fixing yourself...
"follow me onii-chan" https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/210/394/4ad.jpg
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