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What is the most romantic thing you have done for someone/lover?

@DJ Octavio *hugs* It's ok. Love is even when friends are concerned for you =)
@DJ Octavio The club expands xD. Don't worry you'll find some eventually! * head pat *
I have to step in here... NO ONE IS GUARANTEED LOVE OR TO "FIND" LOVE. As to not detract... I once surprised an ex by picking her up from work in my car which had rose petals all over the seats/floor, blindfolded her and took her to a nice Indian restaurant.
@yassshat <3 WOOOOOOO. I need this experience with my life but...the restaurant be an Asian restaurant~ ;3 It's ok, you don't need to have someone to be whole! It's nice to have someone but you can get love from friends, pets, etc~! Open your mind to all the possibilities ^^
I just hate the whole "You'll find love." thing, as is you're owed love in life. Also, India is part of south Asia...sooo...Still Asian food.;P
@yasshat You ARE VERY RIGHT. I APOLOGIZE! I should have just said Japanese restaurant! xD Yes, love and content with yourself is a treasured quality. @w@
I was in a long distance relationship for 6 years. I was in Netherlands and she was in Florida. We had some romantic rl dates when I met up with her, but I think the most romantic times is when I sang her to sleep every night through Skype. She had a few days where she just couldnt sleep anymore, but she would always fall asleep when I sang.
Oh wow I don't really remember, which is probably why I'm single now....
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