What's your favorite MMORPG?

daringvixen @daringvixen
What's your favorite MMORPG?
daringvixen @daringvixen
Right now I'm greatly enjoying Black Desert Online, especially when the Remastered update came out. I had played other MMOs before but Black Desert is my first open-world game.
How about you, what's your fave MMO?

InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
commented on
What's your favorite MMORPG?
InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon

Not really an MMO unless you count the safe areas with all the players running around but for me it's definitely going to be Warframe without a doubt. I lost way too many hours on that game and sometimes I play is so much in such a short span of time that I need to take breaks for literal months before jumping back into it!
Plus I love it when the game has hilarious ragdolls like this!

[__________] @code_016
commented on
What's your favorite MMORPG?
[__________] @code_016
Warframe YES! I haven't been playing for a while, but I love this game. I only play on xbox though ToT

正義の味方 @gundamu
commented on
What's your favorite MMORPG?
正義の味方 @gundamu
I've mainly been playing Black Desert lately myself. I used to play a lot of FFXIV but I kinda got burnt out. Black Desert really feels like home to me because all of my early years with MMOs were spent playing generic korean grinders. It's such a nice game to just put on some music while you zone out and beat up mobs.

Gawdleee @pwnpandas
commented on
What's your favorite MMORPG?
Gawdleee @pwnpandas
It's been a while but the last mmo that I had a lot of fun playing was guild wars 2. Before that I really liked world of kung fu, blade and soul and dragon nest! I don't really have favourites, I think I just go through periods of obsession.

foo_fighter @foo_fighter
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What's your favorite MMORPG?
foo_fighter @foo_fighter
I'm stuck playing ragnarok ang granado espada

Always @weaj
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What's your favorite MMORPG?
Always @weaj
Been obsessed with BDO but I finally hit 61 and now I'm taking a break, since 62 seems like such a chore :x
So I'm back to part time League of Legends lol

Johannes @yestotally
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What's your favorite MMORPG?
Johannes @yestotally
blade & soul.
used to play bdo.
used to play every mmorpg.

Zilverwilg @zilverwilg
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What's your favorite MMORPG?
Zilverwilg @zilverwilg
I think I had the most fun when I played Perfect World Internation when I was a teen. Had great friends there, but because I couldn't play as much as others it got boring because they ended up high lvl or quited before it. GW2 I have mixed feelings with due to the community but the game was great.
I think Archeage is my all time favorite for gameplay, the alpha phase was the best.
But the game I play more and is a close second is Final Fantasy XIV, because of the great friends/community and irl friends also play it.
And the game that should be on top is Project Gorgon, but I haven't played it enough to call it a favorite. But when it gets fully released it probably will become quickly my favorite. Not just now because I can't stand changes.
Played a few others where Path of Exile deserves a honorable mention. Too bad it gave me more a feeling of playing alone but having a chat just in case. It was fun to play with friends the few times we did.
PS: GO check out Project Gorgon. It is great!
Whatever it is my favorite MMO, just skip everything above here and check Project Gorgon out.

Nodachi @dethkatana
commented on
What's your favorite MMORPG?
Nodachi @dethkatana
Rumble Fighter
La Tale
Tricksters Online (R.I.P.)
Grand Fantasia
Luna Online (R.I.P.)
Wonderland Online
Wonderking (R.I.P.)
Final Fantasy XI
Final Fantasy XIV
and a few others I can't recall off the top of my head
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