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damn i dont fall in those categories @ ocean, Cheating. What lowkey triggers you?
A deal breaker for me is when I feel as if there is no trust for example if she ghosts me for days at a time I get sad and doubtful. Edit: My own doubts trigger me What drives you to keep going?
I wanted to look better (phys wise) , i would always compare myself to that one hot best friend i have, try to achieve a certain look and ask myself if this is enough, Also its because im scared of what other thinks of me and insecure about my body like a lot. What is your go to stress food
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@Excal As long as you don't look like me you are fine my guy. When I fidget too much I try laying im bed and watch youtube videos to relax my nerves. What is your favorite book?
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My biggest fear is being forgotten into existence of the world and never have accomplished anything. What is the one movie you watched as a kid and still holds up to you to this day?
The Princess and the Frog, I liked how Tiana wasn't one of the typical princesses that depended on her man, rather wanted to stand on her own two feet for the sake of upholding her value as her own individual. Also favorite princess. Also, I feckin love princess stories. Also, great soundtrack >< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBFfbdOgnbg How do you like your coffee?
I try not to drink too much coffee, but I like medium roast the best with some cream, usually half and half or sometimes hazelnut. What is one hobby you pursued in the past, but gave up too easily and never went back on it? Did you regret it or not? (Also, I should check out Princess and the Frog at some point it sounds interesting xP)
Oct 06, 19 at 1:53am
Baseball I loved it as a kid but didnt keep up with it as a teen. I played till i was almost thru highsschool but i didnt really take it seriously. What would your dream room look like? what would be in it?
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