What's your MBTI personality type?
Whisp @whispywoods
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What's your MBTI personality type?
Whisp @whispywoods
Ok. Prepare yourself to die then.
[Redacted] @traicious
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What's your MBTI personality type?
[Redacted] @traicious
'Tis good living up to your own name~ ENTJ is a commander quality!
@Muffin (´・ω・`)
I guess you become more reliant on experience than your previous intuition? Someone must've blown your expectation away or the other way.
Hey all.
Not surprising that most of us are Introverts. Facinating how so many of us are INFP/INFJ, we a secret society or somethin'~
There's commander, Logician, Mediator, and Virtuoso. Wait, hold on what's KMS? Oh-oh.
Nobody @muffster
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What's your MBTI personality type?
Nobody @muffster
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[Redacted] @traicious
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What's your MBTI personality type?
[Redacted] @traicious
Mm yeah, I'm sure we all use both intuitions and experiences, but maybe leans towards one more than the other. I guess that's where Jung's theory falls short since it shouldn't be one or the other, but more like a spectrum.
CAC @cac
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What's your MBTI personality type?
CAC @cac
I got INTJ-T.
Bitch please @tabris
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What's your MBTI personality type?
Bitch please @tabris
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cr0n @cr0n
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What's your MBTI personality type?
cr0n @cr0n
ISTJ-T, and I’m consumed in self-loathing.
Chocopyro @chocopyro
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What's your MBTI personality type?
Chocopyro @chocopyro
Don't loath yourself. It's not nice and it might hurt your feelings.
This message brought to you by your local INFP-A!
Everyone's unpaid therapists, despite needing one themselves.
. @vezax
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What's your MBTI personality type?
. @vezax
sadjester @sadjester
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What's your MBTI personality type?
sadjester @sadjester
I'm INFJ. So I'm pretty cool. Lmao.
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