Does Karma exist?
Bitch please @tabris
Does Karma exist?
Bitch please @tabris
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Chocopyro @chocopyro
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Does Karma exist?
Chocopyro @chocopyro
From my experience working on the field of the supernatural? Yes and no. Its more a system of lessons which get repeated if you fail the class than it is a "reward you for being good, punish you for being bad" system. Ever wonder why you keep reliving the same mistakes over and over again? And in a world of entropy and chaos no less? If the world truly were random, you could make the same decisions you always make and end up somewhere completely different than you are now. Don't take this to mean I fully believe in fate either. I don't think we're locked into a certain outcome, only certain patterns, which if we realize we are falling into early on, we can break out of at any time.
But let me also just say, I don't encourage anyone to buy into anything without having experienced it for themselves enough times. Using the scientific method when approaching occult subjects (like magick for example) can be... dangerous if you don't know what you are doing, so just stick to what you can prove with your base five senses. I myself don't pretend to know everything there is about Karma, nor should you believe I am any closer to understanding it than anyone else here.
CAC @cac
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Does Karma exist?
CAC @cac
I hope so.
Lishifu @hakutaku
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Does Karma exist?
Lishifu @hakutaku
BurningHalo @burninghalo
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Does Karma exist?
BurningHalo @burninghalo
Fuck no, and i think that its actually kind of fucked to think it does.
Personal Maid @personalmaidservice
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Does Karma exist?
Personal Maid @personalmaidservice
I mean there are strange cases of someone doing something yet getting a taste of their own medicine yet karma on a large scale would be hard to determine. Personally on an objective scale I just believe in cause and effect. Everything else of saying yes or no to karma seems to emotionally driven based off of small scale to large scale and coincidental things are pretty dumb.
On the Note of PK’s thoughts you could also argue maybe not for karma but as society in general All human societies must fall and must evolve rather than karma it’s about the inevitable downfall of human societies to be replaced. The “Karma” is the destruction of nations but it takes years to have ideological and physical differences to overtake one another rather than something like a Bully getting bullied and eventually learns his lesson small scale kinda “karma”
On burning Halos note, even if it did exist it’s not really fucked at all tbh, because you reap what you sow is a very true statement as a synonym for “karma”. It may not perfectly align but when your a person who’s done shady stuff or has done anything questionable eventually A. Your conscious will come down on you and you’ll go insane B.Life of unfufillment or C. You get socially outed.
This is why personally believe in cause and effect and the current “feeling” of karma as a saying rather than its actual definition could just be chocked up to you get what you put in the world and if you put in nothing you get nothing.
One could even say society repeats itself and we will never break out of larger cycles all we can do is prolong societies destruction before putting the world into turmoil each time and whoever is left over helps with the next continuation of of the next repeated process of history to prolong the inevitable.
Karma can socially exist but objectively I think everything is more cause and effect based.
Personal Maid @personalmaidservice
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Does Karma exist?
Personal Maid @personalmaidservice
Eh... I have so many thought errors. I know what I was saying in my head but it came out wrong... *face palm*
EUGH @shimmy
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Does Karma exist?
EUGH @shimmy
Ima go with a hard NO.... but maybe... idk
Baka @reinhardt76
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Does Karma exist?
Baka @reinhardt76
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Nobody @muffster
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Does Karma exist?
Nobody @muffster
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