Oni-con Galveston 2018

RoninSydd @roninsydd
Oni-con Galveston 2018
RoninSydd @roninsydd
I know it’s pretty early but I thought of seeing anybody on here is going!
A few friends and I will be in a Fate cosplay group, I’ll be the caster of red Shakespeare!
It’ll be my second Oni so I love to hear suggestions or good places to go outside the con! Any cosplay anybody working on?

serah2012 @serah2012
commented on
Oni-con Galveston 2018
serah2012 @serah2012
I haven’t been. I’d love to go. When is it?

RoninSydd @roninsydd
commented on
Oni-con Galveston 2018
RoninSydd @roninsydd
November 9-11th!
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