
Moonshepherd @moonshepherd
Moonshepherd @moonshepherd
I don't know if there is a chat for this. I do not wish to message people at random and I feel weird jumping into people's forum posts. I will try to do forums, but Idk what to say. I guess I wouldn't know what to say on a chat really either. I am a member of a hikikomori discord chat... Not the one associated with 4chan. That one is basically just a troll orgy... What is a good way to meet people on here?

Personal Maid @personalmaidservice
commented on
Personal Maid @personalmaidservice
Just say hi and message them, as long as your nice and not weird you’ll be fine. Be yourself and don’t mind jumping into forums some of them are just for fun or laughs, or make your own if you don’t know. Just turn off your brain and type sometime!
From what I can tell you seem like a hesitant person and probably mull over what to say, so the best way to meet people is just go to there profile and say hi or add them as a friend or greet the newer people coming. Be nice and don’t overthink it to much

Moonshepherd @moonshepherd
commented on
Moonshepherd @moonshepherd
Hmm. Okay. :3

Lishifu @hakutaku
commented on
Lishifu @hakutaku

Moonshepherd @moonshepherd
commented on
Moonshepherd @moonshepherd
:3 <3

kingdomheartseddy @kingdomheartseddy
commented on
kingdomheartseddy @kingdomheartseddy
We need some sort of live chat in my opinion, it would increase the level of socialisation and draw more people cause they would have a platform to communicate in real time on. Controls, rules and bounderies for sure. opt in opt out kind of stuff but the idea is sound, it's the next level up from messaging on a send to recieve basis anyway in my opinion. BUT HEY what do i know, just an overly lax guy who talks to much and shit. SUE ME

Moonshepherd @moonshepherd
commented on
Moonshepherd @moonshepherd
Discord is a good way toward it me thinks :D

foo_fighter @foo_fighter
commented on
foo_fighter @foo_fighter
join gengah's server

Moonshepherd @moonshepherd
commented on
Moonshepherd @moonshepherd
Okay Ginko :3

displaynamehere @purefault
commented on
displaynamehere @purefault
Iv'e started conversations with people just pay saying hello in their comments on their main page. Of course, a lot of people bail on the site, but occasionally we'll start messaging or talk via SMS.
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