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What is the best way to find real love?

As I know that we are all in the 21st century and we are looking for love in different ways which explains why we all are on this tight or on other sites or finding it where we are closest but with me I still try to find love the old-fashioned way of actually growing a pair and saying how I feel instead of just blowing it off and make it seem like I have nothing but an empty shell. Sure I have a perverted mind set but at the same time I have a great guy that is hidden within my heart just waiting and hoping for that right girl to be in my site. So can any of you tell me what it means to find real true love instead of this love that does not last long or maybe even fake?
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Not on a computy lol I wouldn't know where to start probably someone come along. Friends of a friend networking introductions type stuff.
Jun 12, 18 at 7:30pm
no idea...
Just keep looking and trying... true love is hard to find, trial and error, pain and hardship... sigh, you’ll find it if you put a lot of patience and effort!
Here's the best piece of advice to follow, don't look. Be you, improve yourself, be social, get involved in things that require multiple people and don't stress about trying to make a romantic connection. If you're just being you, there's a better chance that someone will like that and a better chance that you'll show a bit more confidence.
Hmmm i personally think you shouldn't go out and look for a partner but rather wait and let it happen instead. Also, if you do go out and look, be patient!! and don't give in so quickly. Just wait until you find someone who has common interests as you. But I think the best relationship isn't over the Internet but in real life, like meeting them at the mall or a store. Something like that, I feel like it's much better than someone you met over a Internet whom maybe not be who they say they are.
For males, I don't exactly agree with the advice saying not to look. Waiting and letting somebody else make it happen for you is generally a bad strategy. It's very rare for a women to come up to a random guy, take the initiative, ask for his number, ask him out, etc. Unless maybe he's very good looking, a celebrity, or something along those lines. However I do think it's a bad idea to look too hard - that will put out the wrong vibes. Never stop improving yourself and definitely put yourself around new people often - step out of the comfort zone.
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