Getting it on before marrage.
neeto @neet_one
commented on
Getting it on before marrage.
neeto @neet_one
Double yikes...
Touchy subject I see. Whelp, the chart was something a friend shared with me and I thought I'd share with you guys. It talks about averages, which doesn't mean -everyone-, so it seems a bit weird people would take it so personally and get this offended. No one is telling anyone else what to do here after all. I think it could apply to both sexes just as well in fact. buuuut since we live in an age where casual sex and subsequently infidelity is common place I guess this outcome shouldn't have been too surprising. No one likes to be told they might be living wrong or their actions could be hurting themselves in the long run and because people are so easily offended these days they'll think that's exactly what this image is doing. They'd have to be insane or delusional to think that of course but these are insane times.
Whelp, told the guy how people here lost their shat when I shared the image, so he linked me to a better one with much clearer sources, which I put in the OP post.
Muffin, I don't, and I don't think she said that. Although one could maybe argue it's implied.
ohnoes @ohnoes
commented on
Getting it on before marrage.
ohnoes @ohnoes
" No one is telling anyone else what to do here after all. " and in the same breath " No one likes to be told they might be living wrong or their actions could be hurting themselves in the long run.".
So, you're above everyone and able to pass judgement? Gotcha.
" It talks about averages, which doesn't mean -everyone-, so it seems a bit weird people would take it so personally and get this offended. "
It only talks about averages of WOMEN(Not to mention people questioning the validity of it.). I think that's where most of the qualms are coming from. If you want to apply averages of both, you need to show both.
I think most get it, just whoring around is not something most strive to do. However, to shame those who've chosen to not remain so chaste as yourself, that's just arogant.
Does it really bother you where people put there genitals or how many they've been with? Then don't go for those types, that's YOUR choice. However, good luck when bluntly asking if or how many people they've slept with. Stick to church girls, my friend and good luck even there.
tigerfestivals @tigerfestivals
commented on
Getting it on before marrage.
tigerfestivals @tigerfestivals
^You do realize anyone who hasn't had sex well into their 20's are shamed too right?
neeto @neet_one
commented on
Getting it on before marrage.
neeto @neet_one
ohnoes, I know you love me but no is no. I'm just not into guys. Why can't you just accept that? Harassing me wont make me change my mind about you. I've never been into the tusndere thing after all.
ohnoes @ohnoes
commented on
Getting it on before marrage.
ohnoes @ohnoes
I wasn't and I didn't have sex until literaly two months before I turned thirty. It's not like I just yelled "I'm a vigin!", it simply was no one's business but mine and I wasn't worried about it in the least.
But yes, I'm well aware of how society portrays each end of the spectrum. However, most adults couldn't care less about it, there are far more important things to worry about than someone else's sex life or lack there of.
Cute, very cute deflection. I don't just pick on you, I pick on anyone who comes across like you normally do. You're not special to me, but I do appreciate the sentiment. Love the editing, by the way. Better late than never.
Lishifu @hakutaku
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Getting it on before marrage.
Lishifu @hakutaku
. @vezax
commented on
Getting it on before marrage.
. @vezax
The resources are very poor..
1.The 1st one is a book that was published in 2003 and gives charts related to similar research conducted around 1995, all the charts u have posted have been taken from it.
2. The second one is more legit and is an actual research but... It was done between 1940 to 1995! So prettt old!
3. The 3rd one has no relation to the images you have posted!! Its about pregnancy and child birth, with maternal and infant mortality rate!! I dont know why its there!!
4. The 4th one also doesnt support your claim as it only gives marriage rate and divorce rate and no relation with pre marital sex or non-marital sexual partners!! INFACT THE DIVORCE RATE HAS DECREASED FROM 4.0 TO 3.2 SINCE 2000 TO 2014 ACCORDING TO THIS SOURCE! so thats a good thing!!
5. I dont even know what that is, there are lots of case documentation and downloadable data, but all are dated 1995 so i didnt bother
So the only link which is legit are 1st and 2nd and both are outdated! They depict the life of woman in 1940-1995! And at that time the use of condoms was much much less, and it was a HIV bloom time! Not to mention other factors that exists.. so based on an outdated research u cant make that claim, infact as ur 4th link shows, divorce rate has decreased quite a lot since 2000.
Lishifu @hakutaku
commented on
Getting it on before marrage.
Lishifu @hakutaku
@Laughingman What do you think of the bullshit Telegony?
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
commented on
Getting it on before marrage.
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
It's just stats. And they aren't wrong. People seem to forget we are mostly(Some would argue entirely.) biological beings, That includes the love, or bonding hormone, Oxytocin. It's a neurological hormone, that has been proven the affects diminish the more you use it, As all drug like substances do(Think of drinking a coke for the first time in weeks, compared to drinking one the day after, Big difference right?), Including natural ones. The highest amount of oxytocin are released during orgasm, That's also a fact. So in turn, obviously the more people you sleep with, the less it will do for you, with the next person. However if you keep it at a minimum, you don't have this issue obviously, because the bonding hormone are basically used up all on one or five people.
It's just science. I don't give a shit what people do with their own lives, If a woman's had too many guys, then okay, I don't need to date that specific girl, and she can continue her lifestyle all she pleases. Their life, if it makes them happy go for it. However, I'm not going to ignore scientific data either to help their narratives either.
Just have to look at the facts, and act accordingly. That's not to say a woman with a slutty past can't be a good wife, or girlfriend, however, odds are they won't, and odds are if they do, it will be harder for them due to the mental affects. People are individuals in the end of it.
. @vezax
commented on
Getting it on before marrage.
. @vezax
@Enki.. i think of telegony as just what u said "bullshit"
Its total nonsense unless that child is of the previous mate. The ones who made that concept probably didnt know anything about genetics(i wont be surprised if its origin is related to aristotle)
How ever i am not sure if telegony happens in other organisms or not
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