The Legend of Zelda

Dragonborn21 @ravemaster21
The Legend of Zelda
Dragonborn21 @ravemaster21
What do you think that Nintendo should do with a new game? What do you love the most about the series itself? What about what you hate about it? What was your favorite game out of them all?

escuder TuT @escudertut
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The Legend of Zelda
escuder TuT @escudertut

Hi man, I am a lover of Zelda :D my favorite games as much others is Ocarina of time since for me was the hardest one on that moment. The reason in simple, the game was en English and I only speak Spanish on that moment XD hahahaha so funny to play a game without know nothing. I like the last game The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild but I miss the temples, I would like they keep with the open world but introduce again the temples make it more valuable and interesting for the players in my opinion :D

Dragonborn21 @ravemaster21
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The Legend of Zelda
Dragonborn21 @ravemaster21

Breath of the Wild is the first Zelda game to fully implement the Fall of the Hero of Time.

foo_fighter @foo_fighter
commented on
The Legend of Zelda
foo_fighter @foo_fighter
A link to the past is my fave, that was my first zelda

Dragonborn21 @ravemaster21
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The Legend of Zelda
Dragonborn21 @ravemaster21
Thank you!! Someone else who wants the deadline factor back.

Dragonborn21 @ravemaster21
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The Legend of Zelda
Dragonborn21 @ravemaster21
That is what got stuff done, though it made the game a hell of a lot shorter. Still a grew game though.

Trissu @trissu
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The Legend of Zelda
Trissu @trissu
My personal favourite is Majora's Mask. I suppose it's because it's similar to Ocarina of Time (which I suppose is mechanically the best Zelda game made) but it's quite a bit darker. The story is really captivating and it's interesting since Zelda isn't actually in the story at all. However, Breath of the Wild really is incredible and I still can't believe how great it is.

Dragonborn21 @ravemaster21
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The Legend of Zelda
Dragonborn21 @ravemaster21
Thank you. But hey, if you want something that is the closest thing to a Zelda movie, go to YouTube a watch The Hero of Time. It is a fanfic but a wonderful job at explaining who the hell raised Link in Ocarina of time.

Dragonborn21 @ravemaster21
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The Legend of Zelda
Dragonborn21 @ravemaster21
Ok not Fanfic. Fan made.

Dragonborn21 @ravemaster21
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The Legend of Zelda
Dragonborn21 @ravemaster21
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