Anime Boston 2019 / Pax East 2019

votom @votom
Anime Boston 2019 / Pax East 2019
votom @votom
Lets have a head start.
Who are you gonna go as? What events and panelists would you like to see?

lon_master @lon_master
commented on
Anime Boston 2019 / Pax East 2019
lon_master @lon_master
I definitely want to bring Bartolomeo again to AB19, but also want to do a feudal era OP cosplay as well to go with the theme.

votom @votom
commented on
Anime Boston 2019 / Pax East 2019
votom @votom

Ryuji @mahzlo
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Anime Boston 2019 / Pax East 2019
Ryuji @mahzlo
Im going to Anime Boston 2019 as Kira Yoshikage from JJBA. And im still undecided about panels and events.

Happiegal @happiegal
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Anime Boston 2019 / Pax East 2019
Happiegal @happiegal
I went to pax east. It was nice to see/play some of the new up coming games.

Happiegal @happiegal
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Anime Boston 2019 / Pax East 2019
Happiegal @happiegal
I'm still debating on ab tho.

Nishmo @nishmo
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Anime Boston 2019 / Pax East 2019
Nishmo @nishmo
I don't think I'd want to cosplay, but I am going to Anime Boston. The schedule actually just released recently, so I need to check what panels I'd want to see! I usually like the gameshow ones.

☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit
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Anime Boston 2019 / Pax East 2019
☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit
Going to Anime Boston, passing on cosplaying though, though due to my outfit, some people might think I am.

votom @votom
commented on
Anime Boston 2019 / Pax East 2019
votom @votom
I hope to go to both next year.
I'm going to anime Boston this year. : D
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