Baka @reinhardt76
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Baka @reinhardt76
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Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi
my friends in highschool smoked pot, smoked cigarettes, and drank but i was a straight edge *censoring word, imagine a beep*
never done a drug, only ever sipped two types of alcohol, and hated it
growing up around addicts and knowing you yourself has an addictive personality is pretty good incentive to say away from that shit
i did/do have an addiction to soft drinks, but iv gone cold turkey with the soda, so thats all better
(fuck anyone who says sugar isnt addictive)
. @vezax
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. @vezax
I havent tried any and neither will i try any!
tbh i do feel like trying, the temptation is pretty high.. but i know that i have a high addiction liability so if i try i will get hardcore addicted which will destroy my life. I haven't tasted alcohol for the same reason..
You can get the same effects of drugs through deep meditation and binaural beats (lucid state) without the risk of the physical side effects, infact it can improve your body and mind too.. i used to practice that 2 years years back, was really fun ^^
Whisp @whispywoods
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Whisp @whispywoods
I don't even drink alcohol... I'm fine with sugar, thank you very much.
satoshix @satoshix
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satoshix @satoshix
Well, the only drugs I've ever had was a Molly(due to 1 rave) and some weed. Other than that I would never do any of those other hardcore drugs. It can really mess you up. I've seen what they can do to you due to some of my acquaintances.
I also drink a lot of alcohol(wine or beer). I only usually drink after work to relax so I can calm down. Work can get stressful sometimes^
Triscuit @bob_loblaw
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Triscuit @bob_loblaw
blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
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blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
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Panda @mrpanduhhh
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Panda @mrpanduhhh
Since I rave I've met a lot of people who indulge in them. I'm pretty conflicted. If you want to do them that's fine with me but I do see times where it gets out of hand which makes me want to say no. All I can say is if you do it be safe and don't make it become a habit.
Fuminori @fuminori
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Fuminori @fuminori
@blissfull, i remember i was utterly against weed till my last year in high school; i thought it'd lead me to heroin or some shit xD ended up on a birthday party at some cabin for 3 days in the wilderness and while i declined at the beginning - the alcohol got the best of me XD ended up smoking a lot and wasn't impressed at all, thought it was overrated but after i tried it a couple more times in the next months i started to appreciate it. Never became a regular smoker though, i like it, i'm for it - but i'm ok with not smoking for 1 year, for example
never got into tobacco and i'm very proud of myself :D
ivr94 @ivr94
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ivr94 @ivr94
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