
PucaetGniliasEht @thesailingteacup
PucaetGniliasEht @thesailingteacup
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Nobody @muffster
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Nobody @muffster
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PucaetGniliasEht @thesailingteacup
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PucaetGniliasEht @thesailingteacup
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Nobody @muffster
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Nobody @muffster
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sadjester @sadjester
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sadjester @sadjester
Thanks Teacup for being brave and sharing your story. You are amazing.
Everyone that shares their perspective is awesome as well. (β°ββ)οΎ
The biggest struggle was accepting myself as I was. Warts and all.
I think we all try so hard to be better or change, but we lose sight of who we are.
Other people can also put unrealistic expectations on you. I had to shake those off.
Finding yourself and then accepting yourself is hard, yo.
And we should feel that it is okay to cry, it is healthy to ask for help.

Nobody @muffster
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Nobody @muffster
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sadjester @sadjester
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sadjester @sadjester
Aaaaw, thanks Muffin. ^^
Bravery is being who you are and speaking your truth.
That means something different for each person.
All we can do is support each other, so that we can all find that within ourselves.

Whisp @whispywoods
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Whisp @whispywoods
I think it's common that struggle of self acceptation. The reason may be comparing ourselves to our idealized versions too much and get frustrated for those not fulfilled dreams...I know that kind of frustration at least.
But I don't think that acceptance should be seen as resignation for a good future, it's only a way to focus on the things important at this moment, and for things at our grasp.
For what can I understand, your situation seem complex, so I wish you the best. :)
And I agree with sadjester, asking for help is healthy. Having reliable support during hard times is always good.

. @vezax
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. @vezax
Yes accepting yourself is a difficult process indeed. I dont have any disabilities but sometimes i makes dumb decisions and situation gets totally fucked up, and whats even worse would be that i wont accept any of it that happened.. even though i know i did things wrong still i wont accept and try to find some imaginary scenario where everything is good and nice, its one of the lessons i learnt from chess that if you did anything dumb then just accept it and change your goals and you might be able to draw the game if played properly but hanging on to what wrong you did will only decrease your chances of having a comeback. I know this is different from what you mentioned but i think accepting your mistakes is relatable to accepting yourself.
Not accepting yourself and going into your imaginary world and struggling silently in pain can give you temporary pleasures but in the long term the reality will strike you back and accepting what you are is the best course of action. Infact you might be able to discover new things about urself once you accept yourself, think positively about the future and later on you will feel better that you accepted it :)
before deciding anything always think if your future self will be proud of this decision or not, sometimes that helps in the present situation to think with a clearer mind ^^

Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
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Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
Well first step to accepting yourself, is knowing what you can and can't change. There are parts of you, You can with great effort, and then there are parts of you, that are just You. Or physical limitations. If you're dreams lays with physical ability, and doing much with it will put you in the wheel chair, Perhaps you can be a part of the sport, job, without doing any of the physical aspects.
With me there were two things I had to accept, One was an event in my life, and the other was a part of myself. The event was my brother's death. We were best friends, and his death changed almost all my future plans. It made me stay in place, just depressed not doing much of anything for over a year. Just existing. In the end, I had to accept that he was gone, which I did that relatively quickly, but Moving on, adapting, was a far different story. I had to, in the end, Force myself to work ahead. And the pain dulled slowly over time after that.
From within it was always my anger. When I get angry, my fists itch, and my head pounds, my heart races. And especially when I was younger, I got angry easy. I couldn't change that part of me. But I did learn to control it, as best as I could. And still do. It's still there, and it always will be. But it's just something I had to accept.
In the end. You must accept what you can and can't change, Then, adapt and work towards whatever goals you can achieve.
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