new guy here looking for friends

steef4000000 @steef4000000
new guy here looking for friends
steef4000000 @steef4000000
hi im a guy from the Netherlands that of course likes anime and gaming and am looking for
new friends to talk about anime or games
or a girl who wants to date
im not a member yet so to see my foto you can check my facebook (Stephan Lauwers) or i can e-mail it

. @vezax
commented on
new guy here looking for friends
. @vezax
just put a random anime profile pic....
ohh by the way welcome to Friendzone palace! :D

steef4000000 @steef4000000
commented on
new guy here looking for friends
steef4000000 @steef4000000
my favorite anime at the time is boku no hero and dbs
and number 1 is code geass
my favorite game type is rpg
and one of my favorite game was mass effect and also dragon age
my other hobby's are swimming,walking,bowling,amusement parks,lasergame or paint ball and drinking a beer with someone

CreativeSpaceCowboy @creativechibi
commented on
new guy here looking for friends
CreativeSpaceCowboy @creativechibi
Hi, hope you enjoy your time here

Funmusicorn @funmusicorn
commented on
new guy here looking for friends
Funmusicorn @funmusicorn
Welcome ^^

Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft
commented on
new guy here looking for friends
Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft
Hello and welcome to MO.

senpainoticemepls @senpainoticemepls
commented on
new guy here looking for friends
senpainoticemepls @senpainoticemepls

Jessie @erendel
commented on
new guy here looking for friends
Jessie @erendel


steef4000000 @steef4000000
commented on
new guy here looking for friends
steef4000000 @steef4000000
thanks for the warm welcome
any tips for this site since im new
and what do most of you do
since i can only think of talking about anime

pinklove @pinklove
commented on
new guy here looking for friends
pinklove @pinklove
I am still new here but you can message other friends but you have to refresh to see new messages and I think that’s the purpose to talk about anime. Good luck and I know this website is kinda iffy but hopefully you find someone.
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