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neeto @neet_one commented on Suicide
Apr 12, 18 at 7:51pm
John Felix, Carbon monoxide has no smell, color, or taste. It's also painless too. It's the method I've been thinking I might go with.
Lishifu @hakutaku commented on Suicide
Apr 12, 18 at 8:29pm
Lishifu @hakutaku commented on Suicide
Apr 12, 18 at 9:01pm
Nat @the_noctor commented on Suicide
Apr 12, 18 at 9:16pm
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I tried like 10 years ago, and considered it about 5-6 years ago. First time I couldn't go through with it because regardless of how sharp the blade, slicing your wrists open hurts like hell. I couldn't power through the pain. Second time I didn't actually try because I loved my rabbit too much and worried about what would become of him if I was gone. Both times, I was going through unreasonably hard times; I don't want to talk about specifics, but the second time it seriously was almost like life was deliberately fucking with me. Because I've done this in the past, however long ago it was and however bad the circumstances were, I will likely always be afraid to let myself own a gun.
Apr 12, 18 at 9:41pm
Thoughts came into hand but I threw it out the window for good.
ohnoes @ohnoes commented on Suicide
Apr 12, 18 at 10:04pm
Neet, I had something typed up, I accidently hit the back button *poof* it's gone and I won't retype since I've seen at least one on here who would deem depression as a weakness(Which in turn deems the person as weak.) and others who have what is more akin to situational depression. Anyways... The fact that you said "John Felix, Carbon monoxide has no smell, color, or taste. It's also painless too. It's the method I've been thinking I might go with." tells me that confiding in internet people is not the right path. Seek out real help IF you are actually contemplating suicide. Yes, venting can help, but there are people trained to deal with these exact situations and give you the tools that you may need to build a better life. I've been there, shit sucks, obviously still alive, but I would never choose to go at it alone again. That and you can call 1800-273-8255 (National suicide prevention hotline. ).
neeto @neet_one commented on Suicide
Apr 13, 18 at 1:17am
ohnoes, when I saw your response I figured you'd be encouraging me to do it sooner rather than latter. Really surprised here to see it's the opposite, Thanks I suppose. That said I don't see the point in such numbers or consider it real help, Not to be dismissive here but nothing they say can change the problems in my life. Some stuff is set in stone, other things are beyond anyone's control. My problems aren't ones which can be fixed or changed by talking about them, if they were they wouldn't be anything worth killing myself over. Oh and I've already tried depression medication but that's not for me, It just made me feel worse while again doing nothing for my actual problems. Thanks for taking the time to respond and stuff though.
Lishifu @hakutaku commented on Suicide
Apr 13, 18 at 2:18am
http://wx1.sinaimg.cn/large/9b984c63gy1fn283stxxag20bs08tgru.gif Let's dance.
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