Hiya ^W^

Otaku Shipper @otakushipper
Hiya ^W^
Otaku Shipper @otakushipper
I'm a Male anime shipper and love super cute anime's hehe^^ I mostly watch singing anime's were I can ship boy's don't hate me for loving that kind of stuff. Oh haha I'm Lia nice to meet you all and I'm here looking for friend's and maybe a bf with long hair/longish hair, anyway nice to meet you all

Lolirock @lolirock
commented on
Hiya ^W^
Lolirock @lolirock
Ohhh I ship boy's to hehe^^ Welcome to Maiotaku hope you have fun on here

Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft
commented on
Hiya ^W^
Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft
No worries about what you like in here. Hope you the best.

xyouremofriendx @xyouremofriendx
commented on
Hiya ^W^
xyouremofriendx @xyouremofriendx
Welcome to the site! Hope you have a good time here and are able to meet people :3

senpainoticemepls @senpainoticemepls
commented on
Hiya ^W^
senpainoticemepls @senpainoticemepls
PS: the anime boys need some shipping too...

XxMikiNekoxX @alice_liddel
commented on
Hiya ^W^
XxMikiNekoxX @alice_liddel
haii, im a Neko, wanna be freinds?? Nyaa^^

Jessie @erendel
commented on
Hiya ^W^
Jessie @erendel

Otaku Shipper @otakushipper
commented on
Hiya ^W^
Otaku Shipper @otakushipper
Haha yo what up everyone thank you for the welcome!^^

Nat @the_noctor
commented on
Hiya ^W^
Nat @the_noctor
This account has been suspended.

jodokon @jodokon
commented on
Hiya ^W^
jodokon @jodokon
Welcome to the site man :)
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