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Silent Treatment: Appropriate or abusive?

Bliss, So, what you're saying is the fact that you're single is a blessing for your creativity. You're an odd one and not just because of an unnatural obsession with finding a woman to be your living doll...
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I don't think the silent treatment is a good way to deal with a situation. If you need to take time apart to cool down or process the information in your head then go right ahead and leave the room or take a quick drive around. Whatever you do to calm down. However staying in the room and just ignoring the person is very disrespectful and wont really take you very far. By ignoring them/giving them the silent treatment you are shutting them down. There is no way for them to vent their frustrations or a way for them to resolve their problem. Its very negative. I say remove yourself from the room. Don't remain in the room.
Bliss, Not harassing so much as pointing out what you sound like(I'd do and have done the same to others. I may have a problem.XD), you're more than welcome to do the same. You're right though...Who am I to judge? You do you. I just have a very hard time censoring myself when I'm online, or for that matter, clearly getting my point across. As to not derail further... Silent treatment has beneficial short term use, but negative long term use. What I mean is, sometimes you need time to collect your thoughts and really don't want to just blurt out the first thing on your mind in the heat of the moment. Long term, it's very destructive because it doesn't allow for any kind of resolution and it's just a childish manipulation tactic. Ever seen a kid not get thier way and just decide to not talk? Yeah, it's kind of like that. I haven't been in a ton of relationships (currently married), but what I've learned is that without open communication, you're bound to just get frustrated and cause a rift. There is no such thing as gaining creativity thru silence as punishment, only spite.
its not mature but it 100% isnt abusive lel i dont think its manipulative either, iv had times where i simply get too frustrated to speak to that person, so i dont dialogue is important and silent treatment/cold behavior helps nothing though and only escalate the problem
I mean it all depends. Like if they start a fight, or just want to piss you off. Than I'm not going to just sit there and let them insult me, because they had a bad day. And I'm not going to continue the immature actions if I can. Also, I'm not that type of guy. If you want to make a fight, put your fists up. Words are weak. If not, sit your ass down. And think it through whether this is really necessary. But often with my ex, she'd start a fight with me, just because she wanted to. So in the end, I had to walk away for a few hours and cool off, instead of wanting to smash her face in. I'd like to imagine that is the better option of the two.(However she was vocally abusive. So that made things worse.) However, However. If you can, Don't. If they are a normal, good human being, They will talk things through with you, and either learn that they are wrong, or you both will come to a compromise. Fighting, silent treatment, all that does is make things worse, instead of getting down to the real problem and fixing it together. Couples should talk things through until you are both happy. Not be little children, and just ignore each other because they didn't get what they wanted.
I would never ignore someone idk i just dont have it in me. As much as i would like to ignore people even when they make me angry i dont, i was once ignored by an ex and it didnt really feel too good. I usually let them know i dont want to talk, you know obviously unless they have did something wrong to me then hell yeah you can get ignored.
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