Meaning of life

Nobody @muffster
Meaning of life
Nobody @muffster
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ohnoes @ohnoes
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Meaning of life
ohnoes @ohnoes
Life has whatever meaning you wish to attach to it. If life truly had no meaning, I don't think anyone would even try to continue.
Existence has no meaning. Life is beyond that. Life certainly adds something to the equation. I mean, a rock has no reason to exist, it just does, but give it sentience and it will give it's self a purpose.

Key @key17
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Meaning of life
Key @key17
Despite popular belief, anime isn't the meaning of life either .

Lishifu @hakutaku
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Meaning of life
Lishifu @hakutaku
Only you yourselves know the meaning of your own lives'.If you have no idea of the meaning right now, let it be "meaningless"then.

Amrod @amrod
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Meaning of life
Amrod @amrod
Eat food, play games, watch anime and get laid. What are you all still searching for?

Key @key17
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Meaning of life
Key @key17
That's my issue with this sort of question. You could easily argue that life holds whatever meaning you wish it to but on the flip side, you could also say that the fact that you can just assign anything random to it probably makes it meaningless..

sadjester @sadjester
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Meaning of life
sadjester @sadjester
I think the thing that what gives life meaning is love. Now, don't get me wrong, not necessarily the romantic kind. It is also self-love and when you give a shit for other people (even if they are imperfect, or maybe because of it). How you love is who you are, right?

ohnoes @ohnoes
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Meaning of life
ohnoes @ohnoes
Life as a whole is rather pointless, that's absolutely correct. Life on the individual scale is where it starts to differ. You think you make no difference? Does not a thrown stone cause ripples in a lake that can be a wave at the shore? In the grand scheme of things, we're all just moments in time that will soon fade. I choose to believe it's how I live my moment that could mean something for humanity. I'll leave my mark, however small and that's one of my many self imposed purposes.
There really is no right or wrong way to answer this, it's all just opinions on whatever makes you happy.

Bunnyman @taiyou
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Meaning of life
Bunnyman @taiyou
Life is only as meaningless as you make it. But maybe your life and existence matters to someone else? Some people find meaning in the search. But all our lives have meaning, even if its something as small as breathing and continuing the earths cycle.
"If life has no meaning or purpose for you, find or create your own.
If others dont have any maybe you finding one will encourage others to find one.
Make your own life have meaning and worth living, no one ever MUST be only a waste of space"
And i know this forum is meant for opinions, but in my opinion the search for more, to make the knowing known, and all of that. We never HAVE to know, its that we just choose to pursue the knowing. Some find meaning in the search, some find meaning in the discovery. It means something for THEM. It may be an illusion for you, and even me, but its reality for THEM.
Our "illusions" and "reality" is often different from person to person.

Gone_to_Arcadia @john_felix
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Meaning of life
Gone_to_Arcadia @john_felix
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