hey my fellow weebos

Ichigo-san @nobfs
hey my fellow weebos
Ichigo-san @nobfs
hi am guy thats lives in the uae , am a rlly big fan of anime and id love to talk to ppl that sahre the same interest as me , thank you

Key @key17
commented on
hey my fellow weebos
Key @key17
I'm not a weebo damn it!

Ichigo-san @nobfs
commented on
hey my fellow weebos
Ichigo-san @nobfs
then what are u ?/

Key @key17
commented on
hey my fellow weebos
Key @key17

Ichigo-san @nobfs
commented on
hey my fellow weebos
Ichigo-san @nobfs
okay then hehehe

senpainoticemepls @senpainoticemepls
commented on
hey my fellow weebos
senpainoticemepls @senpainoticemepls

minsshhi @minsshhi
commented on
hey my fellow weebos
minsshhi @minsshhi
w e e b s

Jana @jana_erelious
commented on
hey my fellow weebos
Jana @jana_erelious
minsshhi you call them that yet you yourself are at a otaku dating site i am sorry my friend but you are clearly not much better also key hey yeah saw your profile pic yeah school rumble is great we may be otaku but at least we have good taste

mysticrice @mysticrice
commented on
hey my fellow weebos
mysticrice @mysticrice
I'm just here to make friends. Ellos
A bit of a loner and shut in but i get excited when ppl want to hang out with me ; A ;

❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
commented on
hey my fellow weebos
❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
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