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Forever alone?

I m single and i can be alone with no friend after. But i guess its normal i have some anxiety disorder, that make me really hard to talk with other. (IRL or message) And i dont want to accept it but i think its going to be like that.
In me? Yes. Finding friends locally is hardest. Too many typical people. I'm even embarrassed by my family and their friends who spread their reactions that overwhelm and confuse me.
Sep 04, 19 at 9:11pm
I’m totally fine with being alone, and I am not alone.I’m genuine and talkative though I am difficult to approach now hah.Forever alone?No,unless I choose to be forever alone. It’s some people who crave my company,I feel sorry for the fact that I can’t live up to their expectations,as a result,I avoid most interactions.
Sep 04, 19 at 9:55pm
I'm happy being alone, so having someone or not doesn't matter to me at all really. Sure, don't get me wrong, having someone to spend time with is really nice. But, it isn't everything. I used to be so obsessed with having a relationship that it only made me feel terrible all the time. I'd rather be alone and save myself the trouble than have an exhausting or unfulfilling relationship. It helps me to keep in mind that a lot of people in relationships aren't happy or fulfilled, or they are together for superficial reasons, or they lose themselves in a relationship. I'd rather have it be just me and get to spend more time on doing what I love/makes me happy. I am trying to look more on the bright side of things. I believe that one day I will find a guy, just because he isn't here right now doesn't mean I won't ever meet him.
no one should be alone. never
Sep 05, 19 at 12:16am
If you have to attitude that your going to be alone forever, then you will be alone forever
Oh I can totally relate - I consider myself to be a fun, loving guy with confidence as I like to take charge in leading conversations and I consider myself good looking and I like to put in as much work in myself as I possibly can because when I go into a relationship, I'd want to make that special someone happy so it's pretty sad knowing I have a boat load of trouble when it comes to this stuff and sometimes it's nice talking to others who can relate to that; because it feels like young adults these days are divided into two groups. One group where people are together with their lovers for years and end up getting married and what-not and the other group that is constantly struggling non-stop trying to find a partner to love who will love them back and either get rejected a lot or relationships never seem to work out. Being someone in that second group, I know how sad it can be but that doesn't mean you're forever alone, for most of us it's because you haven't met the one or you already have and you just don't realise it yet. Sure it's easy to be envious of those who found the one much sooner than you have and sure you they are far luckier because of that but it's important to still be happy for those who have found love, spreading that positivity whenever you can because not only is it nice to wish that for others but you feel happier with your outlook on life and people can find that kind of trait really attractive so being down and miserable about loneliness will only be shooting yourself in the foot. Sure it's fine to feel down for a bit, I know I do because it feels good especially when you want to confide in a friend but once you're over it and feeling like yourself again, it's important to be happy for others. So don't worry, just keep being the best you and someone is going to notice soon enough - don't sulk about being single, smile about it and that can definitely change eventually!
I am not accepting it. I have accepted that i will leave this decade as a kissless virgin but i want to find the love of my life in the next one.
Idk what happens happens really
Oct 07, 19 at 1:50pm
Life is life. You end up in the place you put yourself. Try hard to make people happy and things will go well for you, so long as you remember you matter.
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