OTP Atlanta, GA

foony_sunflower @foony_sunflower
OTP Atlanta, GA
foony_sunflower @foony_sunflower
Hey fellow ATLiens!
I've been on this site for like one day and seriously love the concept on this site! Not necessarily referring to the "otaku singles" aspect (not that I'm against it, why else did I sign up haha), but just the opportunity to make new friends (WITH THE SAME INTERESTS)!
That being said! Has anyone ever been to Battle and Brew? I think it would be really awesome to plan a night where a group of us hang out and meet each other, etc.! I love hosting events, even though I can be a bit shy lol, but I just had that idea! Who would be down?
Also, I wonder if I posted this correctly? Haha! ^u^

foony_sunflower @foony_sunflower
commented on
OTP Atlanta, GA
foony_sunflower @foony_sunflower

Teehee! This literally popped in my head when I thought to post this topic, so I had to make a meme!
I'm so uncool bahaha xD

foony_sunflower @foony_sunflower
commented on
OTP Atlanta, GA
foony_sunflower @foony_sunflower
Edit: And ITP!

JaeBee @jaebee
commented on
OTP Atlanta, GA
JaeBee @jaebee
I don't mind meeting up on a weekend. Never been to Battle and Brew but it sounds like a fun place.

Travisemo007 @travisemo007
commented on
OTP Atlanta, GA
Travisemo007 @travisemo007
ya sure, im down! theres actually not too many of us active atlanta otakus on this site, but it would be cool to host a meetup at battle and brew one day for the ones here! not sure if id be able to go this weekend, but possibly next or any weekend after this one really. just gotta focus on life for the next 7 days unfortunately :P. and i totally agree, this site is super awsome in its idea of making other otaku friends! it actually works better for that purpose rather than dating lol. its like a strictly anime fb. which i find really cool (:

UnDeadBan @jonathanh
commented on
OTP Atlanta, GA
UnDeadBan @jonathanh
Im an alabamian dowse that count?

foony_sunflower @foony_sunflower
commented on
OTP Atlanta, GA
foony_sunflower @foony_sunflower
Oh yayayay! People actually responded! Haha!
I think in the next few weeks we should really plan something! It's a really cool game bar and they have amazing food and board games, so I'm glad a couple of ya'll are down! Our group shall grow and GROW!
@JaeBee- it really is! Fun with games and the like-- we're going to have a great time! I encourage you to check it out! OR wait for our meetup, teehee! :P
@Travisemo007- I agree with this being like an anime FB! So so cool when you put it like that haha! :D we're going to do this! Hope your 7 days are less stressful as you focus on it this week!
@UnDeadBan- BUT OF COURSE! It's just up to you how far you're willing to travel. >.< but you're of course welcome!!!!

Travisemo007 @travisemo007
commented on
OTP Atlanta, GA
Travisemo007 @travisemo007
Far out! should be fun. im all for party games. i was a solo gamer as a kid, but now as an adult, i have less free time, so the time i do have, i prefer to play anything multiplayer, board, dance games and the like, of course with local friends if possible (x, ive been to battle and brew a couple times, so its def a cool place for hangouts. as well as joystick gamebar, though thats a bit further from me lol. indeed our group shall grow for sure! and thanks for the Life support! lol.

denpacrow @denpacrow
commented on
OTP Atlanta, GA
denpacrow @denpacrow
I'm all for it if my job allows it. o.o

foony_sunflower @foony_sunflower
commented on
OTP Atlanta, GA
foony_sunflower @foony_sunflower
We'll figure it out!
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