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Oh god... (/へ\*) I would definitely rather forever stay a lurker in the dark than come out like this and make an intro topic but here I am. I'm trying to implement the "do whatever is hard to become a better version of yourself" mindset more - so yeah... (; ̄ー ̄川 Hi! I'm John and... notice me... please? :c Anime is probably one of my favorite movie types (not sure what the right terminology here is?) so I'm always up for talking about or, even better, watching it. Huge sucker for drama, IRL as well as in anime. The darker the better. (But I also have a huge soft spot for romance shit, as long as it's not one of those trashy ecchi/harem ones) So if you have good dramas to recommend, shoot! Recently started watching K-Dramas and have only read 2 drama manga so if anyone has suggestions in that department I'm also game. And I'm definitely up for listening to your IRL drama. *3* Some people will probably take my sometimes too edgy humor or straightforward way of adressing shit as me wanting to be hurtful or rude but I'm just that unempathetic. I swear, I'm not trying to hurt you unless you were being a meanie first! (`ε´) I think that's enough for now? Maybe? Idk... didn't bother reading too many other intros to figure out all the main points that I need to adress. c: Hope to find some neat people to talk to here! (And that I don't hurt too many poor souls in the process)
Key @key17 commented on Intro
Mar 08, 18 at 3:36pm
Yeah romance is the shit brah! Welcome to the Dark Web!
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