Hi everyone!

virtual_grim @virtual_grim
Hi everyone!
virtual_grim @virtual_grim
Ive been an otaku for about 5 years and love just about everything that is anime, manga, anime music, ddr, or league of legends. I also attend alot of anime cons, and collect, figures, posters, body pillows, keychains.

CreativeSpaceCowboy @creativechibi
commented on
Hi everyone!
CreativeSpaceCowboy @creativechibi
Welcome to MO!

virtual_grim @virtual_grim
commented on
Hi everyone!
virtual_grim @virtual_grim
Hi! ^_^

Ohad @ohad
commented on
Hi everyone!
Ohad @ohad
Oi, I saw anime and LoL in the same comment so I had to check (EUNE player here).
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