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Deal Breakers

Feb 20, 18 at 8:41pm
@Leo Guess it was a little hard to understand it, Uhhh I would need to give an example of the kind of stuff she did. What I meant by she embarrassed me was: 1. She got sloppy drinking in front of my friends. 2. She would be loud and go into conversations that were not appropriate at a restaurant lmao (ie. Cursing out loud, being rude, etc) That kind of stuff is what I mean by embarrassing me. Shit I'm an idiot and I act like a fool with my friends but I know theres a line you shouldnt cross. If you do, then do it at home. She just made me look bad to my family and friends. Oh to better explain I'm a friend/family > Girlfriends type of person. Does that make me a douche? xD
I am rEALLY picky, so the list is long - If people can't take initiative and I have to all the time, I just end up quitting. It's exhausting to be the only one who puts effort into a relationship. - I get annoyed if people are just plain stupid, so intelligence is really a must. - A person who is overly-attached and doesn't have a life of their own is also no-go. - Jealousy is also a no-go. It happens, but then I would rather talk it out than be subject to controlling behavior. - Lack of creativity. I am an abstract thinker, and I would rather be with one who understands my way of thinking :') - Refusing to communicate. I had a girlfriend once who couldn't communicate and it was a trainwreck. Communication is an important part of a relationship, all those hints and passive-aggressive behavior is just confusing. - Self-victimisation. If you're always the victim, I am going to be the bad guy and leave. People who constantly put themselves in a position of victimhood to avoid taking responsibility for anything is not anyone I want to be around. - People who are too easily offended. If everything offends you, maybe you should chill. - Whoever expects me to constantly take charge in the relationship. Let's just both, okay? And then the superficial: - Smelly feet. - Really small teeth. - Constant bad body-odeur. - Excessive sweating. - Morbid obesisty. - Anorexia. - Men. I'm gay. RIP. Probably a whole lot of other things too, but yes.
Feb 21, 18 at 6:04am
True narcissism:true narcissists will destroy our lives. Sexism: It's shame that many women are also sexists. Closed-mindedness, wilfully ignorance: if a person has both, then it is nearly impossible for them to learn more, to have a better understanding of the world. Yellow fever: like this http://asiadatingexperts.com/5-things-that-keep-me-coming-back-to-chinese-girls/#4 <I found that link on a site where Chinese guys talk about sexpats>. Disloyalty: ←_← Clinginess: introverts need alone time and boundaries. I try to avoid all kinds of deep interpersonal relationships with those people...
Feb 21, 18 at 8:47pm
Yeah, densetsu_no_baka, I'm from cali. I've been told a lot that women aren't nearly as bad in the rest of the country. Maybe someday I'll move somewhere else, but I'm a bit stuck here for the time being. It truly is a wasteland here. We've got good weather but that's it. The culture on the other hand is toxic and so are the people. Got any recommendations for any better places?
Feb 21, 18 at 8:59pm
"fat girls need love too" This statement has always seemed pretty dang stupid to me. If they need love so bad, why not stop shoving so much food in their face, exercise a bit, and earn that love? That or settle for one of the many desperate losers who will take anything they can get (there's plenty out there). Common sense dictates you should aim for someone in your league, or better yourself to match what you're aiming for. But these stupid cows are too selfish and greedy to do that. They expect guys above their league to lower their standards, and that aint cool yo.
Feb 21, 18 at 9:17pm
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Feb 21, 18 at 10:04pm
Its health emphasising. However, the ignorance spouted by some is the problem. Never assume you know why someone continues(Or, if they even are.) down a path of physical destruction or why others chose those whom YOU see as undesirable, your arrogance just might show it's ugly little head.
Welp, I guess I'll throw in my two cents 1: Manipulative people, control freaks, etc. I seriously can't stand people like that, I couldn't date them let alone be friends with them. I absolutely hate when people try to influence or control me in any sort of way whether it's deciding on their own what's 'good' for me, thought policing because they don't like what I have to say about certain topics, trying to play the victim all of the time for sympathy and attention, or just plain constant lying. Even if it's a lie for the sake of my feelings, I definitely can tell when people are lying to me and it'll make me look at you in a different light for sure if you tell stories to get around just telling the truth or saying what you really feel. 2: Ignorance and general close-mindedness. I can deal with someone not being well informed about a lot of things but when they take it to the level of being unwilling to learn, refusing to accept different viewpoints, and generally just being unable to see the world outside of whatever preconceived notions they have about things...I just can't. I've always kept people like that who come into my life at arms length, if you're like that you can definitely get comfortable with just being an acquaintance. :v 3: Racists, bigots, etc. Honestly this goes hand-in-hand with #2. Since racism and bigotry is basically ignorance in it's purest form. Now I have no problem with differing political views, but when it starts to get to the point where you suggest that one "race" is superior compared to another that's when I lose respect for you. 4: Clingy people. I'm an introvert, I seriously can do without being around someone every single day or talking on the phone with them every waking moment. I value my time and solitude quite a bit so the mere fact that I'm investing myself in a relationship with someone else means a lot to me. If you can respect that, cool. If you can't then things aren't going to work out. 5: Infidelity, unfaithfulness, selfishness, all that jazz. I'm a very loyal person, when I get into a relationship with someone I'm going to see it through to the very end. It doesn't matter if somewhere down the road I end up dissatisfied with something or angry at my partner over something, I'd never go as far to do anything to betray them, walk out on them, or just give them the whole "I'm not happy anymore/I don't think I'm in love with you anymore" routine. I'll never understand shit like that. I understand that people can "fall out of love" but I mean shit I've been unhappy with a bunch of things in life, doesn't mean I'm just going to give up the moment shit gets rough. :u 6: Lack of communication. Now this is something that seriously can prevent #5 in many cases. So many people seem to just be unable to talk about things with their partner, vent their frustrations in a constructive manner, and generally just be able to sit down and talk about whatever is bothering them in a relationship. They just keep it bottled up until everything explodes and they do some dumb, impulsive shit. (IE: Cheating or breaking up for no reason). I see this type of shit with even middle-aged couples. 7: Poor hygiene, is a slob at home, doesn't clean up after themselves, etc. Definitely not a fan of uncleanliness in general and I was raised by a parent who didn't tolerate that type of stuff so I can't see myself becoming a fan of that anytime soon. As I got older and went over other people's houses and stuff I was pretty amazed at how some people keep their houses and even more so at the fact that there's people who literally just don't do simple household chores, they were pampered enough to never have to do those types of things so they don't know how and don't care to bother. I could only just stare in awe at how little they gave a fuck. :U 8: Easily offended people is another thing I'd say is a deal breaker, I'm a very blunt and honest person who has a pretty dark sense of humor so I seriously can not have a filter sometimes. Not a fan of people who can't deal with that
Oh I realized the other day that I have a deal breaker when people start talking a lot about mainstream stuffs I'm really underground, I don't have anything against mainstream, it's just that I'm so used to people judging me because I don't know something that it's popular that I just start wishing to change topic to something more neutral...
. @vezax commented on Deal Breakers
Feb 24, 18 at 7:15am
my dealbreaker is cold hearted murder... when people start killing each other infront of me, i am like... meh this is not my cup of tea ~jk
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