Shots fired at High School in Florida, numerous fatalities.
Aka-san @redhawk
commented on
Shots fired at High School in Florida, numerous fatalities.
Aka-san @redhawk
@Wesley THIS
Daggera @daggera
commented on
Shots fired at High School in Florida, numerous fatalities.
Daggera @daggera
I looked up the word but your definition makes more sense, thank you.
Bukephalos @bukephalos
commented on
Shots fired at High School in Florida, numerous fatalities.
Bukephalos @bukephalos
18! 18! School shootings occurred in America already in 2018. It is the middle of February! What the fuck is wrong with you Americans? Just get rid of your guns you morons. How stupid can a country be?
Just look at countries where not every red-neck has a pistol under his pillow! Do people there go out and kill their classmates? NO THEY FUCKING DON'T! What a pile nonsense "they will use knives, or bombs" --> Bullshit.
Nobody @muffster
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Shots fired at High School in Florida, numerous fatalities.
Nobody @muffster
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Nobody @muffster
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Shots fired at High School in Florida, numerous fatalities.
Nobody @muffster
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Bukephalos @bukephalos
commented on
Shots fired at High School in Florida, numerous fatalities.
Bukephalos @bukephalos
"You do realize that simply getting rid of the guns, doesn't mean that people will not find a way to get them." --> Law. Prohibition with severe consequences and educating the society will do the job.
"Guns can save lives as well you know, just can cause a lot of damage." --> That 's called an oxymoron.
"There are always going to be insane people causing harm to civilians." --> Great let us make it SUPER EASY for them to get their hands on weapons!11!! Best idea ever!
"I would rather have my daughter be able to fend for herself in a time of need, than passively being like "welp time to die"" --> Give her some karate lessons, pepper spray and maybe a taser. If someone really is attacking you, you don't have the time to pull out a gun anyway. Or what do you think is the reason why bouncers never carry guns?
Daggera @daggera
commented on
Shots fired at High School in Florida, numerous fatalities.
Daggera @daggera
It's not too hard to find out how to make handmade bombs online and the kitchen or tool shed offers a lot of options. Someone doesn't just get a gun then decide to use it, they already decided to act. Schools are known to get bomb threats too and fires. Does a gun help, sure but doesn't mean it will cure the problem if guns are taken out of the picture.
[DERP] Napalm @napalmamaterasu
commented on
Shots fired at High School in Florida, numerous fatalities.
[DERP] Napalm @napalmamaterasu
Should I even join this fray....
I do mourn for the 17+ lives altered in some form though. For now ill leave things there.
Nobody @muffster
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Shots fired at High School in Florida, numerous fatalities.
Nobody @muffster
This account has been suspended.
Bukephalos @bukephalos
commented on
Shots fired at High School in Florida, numerous fatalities.
Bukephalos @bukephalos
Oh yeah! I totally forgot all those school BOMBINGS. It 's like, how could I be so blind? It happens everyday here that schools get bombed. Why? Well for the simple reason that people can not use guns to kill their classmates. So they build bombs with tutorials from the internet! Poor Germany with its strict weapon laws....
Dude, you are just embarrassing yourself.
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